
Watch your health one jab of pain, cough or dizzy spell and go see your doc. You're not feeling particularly optimistic about anything but put it down to your lack of vitality. An energetic person like you needs to feel good about life. At work it feels as though both your colleagues and superiors are taking advantage of your talents without offering anything in return. The only way you can remedy this situation is to draw some firm boundaries. It isn't good for your wellbeing or state of mind to bottle up your frustration.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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A youngster is the bane of your life but don't act the disciplinarian, try reverse psychology instead. You dream about some distant, happy day when you can enjoy a life of leisure. However, until you do whatever you have to do to improve your financial situation, that day will never come. It's time to negotiate a better rate for your services or find a higher paying job. If that means going back to school, working double shifts, or taking on some unpleasant duties, grit your teeth honey and get to it. If you have to make a sacrifice it is worth it.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Family conditions and emotions are taut; don't do anything provocative today. Living on your own terms means alienating someone you love. Sometimes it's hard for you to rebel, because you want so much to be liked. Unfortunately, most of the folks whose admiration you seek don't have your best interests at heart. They want you to behave in a way that benefits them, not you. A good way to test their loyalty is to strike out on your own. Their reaction will tell all.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Easy does it with red tape or authority or they'll come down on you like a ton of bricks. Your imagination works overtime today, giving you a suspicious mind. Friends and colleagues seem to give you the cold shoulder, and perfectly nice neighbours appear to dislike the very sight of you! Actually, it's really your subconscious that is working against you. Take a deep breath and look at everything objectively. You'll soon realise that everybody is really preoccupied with their own worries. Don't take everything so personally!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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There's something stirring in the financial wood shed and before it gets nasty sort it! Measuring other people's success against yours is futile; it's like comparing apples and oranges. You need to live up to your own potential, particularly with regard to your creativity. While everybody else is involved with humdrum activities, you should be developing your self-expression. Once you sink your teeth into a project you love, you'll feel less competitive with your peers.

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Your mood brings out the worst in you, steer clear of important people as the impression you give is ogre-ish. Sometimes it seems like too much to ask for a life of your own, because your loved ones need you so much. Unfortunately, you have played a large part in creating this cycle of dependency. Your desire to serve others has caused you to assume some unpleasant tasks, giving your kith and kin more free time to pursue their interests. Now that you have influential things to do though, they aren't willing to reassume their responsibilities.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Depression will set in if you spend too much time home alone get out and do something spiritual or arty. Living a more mystical life means letting go of the expectations and beliefs that were imposed on you. At some point, you need to develop a philosophy that makes sense to you. Your experiences are not those of your parents and mentors. No matter how much you respect and admire these role models, you have to carve out your own identity. Stop deferring to your elders and start obeying your instincts.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A friend is working against you, find out who it is by setting a red herring a swimming. Wanting to be part of the group can have its drawbacks. On one hand, big societies afford you the love and support you need. On the other hand, these associations can be threatened when you assert your individuality. Straddling the line between loyalty and independence can be quite difficult, especially when you strongly disagree with certain attitudes held by the majority. Be true to yourself in the end.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A VIP is actively working against you but is nice to your face, do you know who? You hate being tied down to anyone or anything, but there's no way to avoid it now. Family and career demands force you to put your own plans aside for the sake of theirs. Try not to let your resentment show. After all, there have been plenty of times when folks have bent to accommodate you. Look at this as your chance to return the favour. It's better to feel noble than to feel miserable.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Avoid politics, religious, law or travel they all have their down sides today. Lending your expertise may not be what's wanted or needed at the moment. You're better off attending to drudge work or behind-the-scenes matters. Although the jobs at hand won't afford much recognition or admiration, they do need to be performed. By establishing yourself as a team player, you'll be able to call upon your colleagues for help with larger projects. Be patient; your day to sit in the sun will come.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Psychologically you are below par; one reason is purely sexual, so what gives? Feelings of responsibility could prevent you from asking for the things that you need. Don't make the mistake of playing the martyr; it will only lead to sadness and frustration. Relationships are a give-and-take proposition. If you're struggling with certain tasks, ask your loved ones to assist. It doesn't mean that you're weak; it just means that you're limited, that can be hard for an overachiever like you to admit.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A relationship is about give and take but today it's all take, take, take - trouble in paradise? Your desire for companionship causes you to make some unfortunate choices. If people are trying to impose limits on you, try talking it out before escaping into the arms of a loved one. Problems in your job can also prompt you to hide behind a strong protector. Ultimately, however, you will have to stand up for yourself, asking a partner to run the shop for you will ultimately harm your affiliation.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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