
Things might not be going your way. It's best to cut your losses and begin again. Resist the pressure to sign a contract that doesn't serve your interests. By holding out for better terms, you'll avoid a long term troubles. You'll have to spend money to make money. Still, it's wise to avoid unnecessary purchases while cash is tight. You'll have an opportunity to splurge next year. Right now, you've got to limit expenditures to quality merchandise that has years of practical use.

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A chronic illness could flare up if you keep taxing your system with sugar, fat, and alcohol. You must adopt a more nutritious diet, even if it does sound like a bore. Fresh fruits, leafy vegetables, and whole grains will keep your system in good working order. The revelries of the festive season have weighed you down. Get a head start on your new year resolutions. That way, you'll avoid the temptation of a binge at a festive party.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're sick and tired of doing your duty; you want to have a little fun for a change. Unfortunately, lots of people are counting on you. If you fail to fulfil your responsibilities, you'll drive a wedge between you and a friend. Finish off your work as quickly as possible. An exciting opportunity to travel or study will fall into your lap. Don't start packing or shopping until you've tied up all the loose ends in your personal life.

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A grim relative keeps raining on your parade. You're tired of making exciting announcements, only to be told your plans are silly or impractical. In truth, you have a tendency to be overly optimistic. Still, it's better to plunge forward enthusiastically than remain paralysed with fear. Go ahead and pursue an unusual career opportunity. This job will force you to keep unorthodox hours, but the sacrifice will be worth it in the long run. It's just a matter of getting used to a new life.

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Your boss isn't going to keep a promise, making you sad and discouraged. You can't fall prey to pessimistic thinking. Now is the time to summon your wits. Take this opportunity to pursue an unusual course of study. Learning a new trade will give you an edge on the competition, and allow you to enter an exciting new field. You'll have to learn some complicated technological skills, but luckily, you'll get a good teacher. By putting yourself in their capable hands, you'll widen your 2012 options.

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Money is tight right now, and you won't be able to afford a glamorous outing. Although it's disappointing, you'll have to scale back your plans. Instead of buying someone an expensive gift, make one with your own hands. You're very creative so use your talent to make things that are useful and beautiful. Don't overestimate your knowledge of a specialised subject. There's always room to learn more. Let a tech-savvy buddy show you how to operate some complicated equipment.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You worry too much about things you cannot control. Instead of taking an overly cautious approach, do what you want and let the chips fall where they may. Yes, you will have to do some damage control afterwards, but who cares? At least you will have had a little fun along the way. Let an impulsive friend or lover lead you down an unexplored path. Trying a new sport, hobby, or cuisine is just the kind of excitement you crave. The more adventurous your experiment, the better!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You will have to work within strict guidelines, which is maddening. If you don't follow the rules you won't be able to proceed to the next level. Accept the fact you have to work with an oppressive partner. Their ultra-practical attitude is completely alien to a creative thinker like you. Still, if you manage to finish this job on time and under budget, you will be rewarded. Just keep reminding yourself there is a light at the end of this seemingly endless tunnel.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You've realised you've wasted valuable resources, and vow not to do so in the future. Opening a savings or retirement account is crucial. Of course, you don't want to put your blind trust in a so called financial expert. It's time to educate yourself about how investments work, and keep an eye on your monthly statements. Once you get into the habit of putting a set portion of your income into an interest bearing account, you'll become addicted to saving.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Taking the consequences for a bad decision is always difficult. Apologise to the people who were negatively affected, and be prepared to be the target of their wrath. Fortunately, you will have other opportunities to restore your reputation. Let this be a lesson about gambling. If an offer seems too good to be true, it definitely is. An offbeat relative has startling words of wisdom for you. It's nice to know someone empathises with your situation.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Someone you once respected has let you down. Their behaviour has caused you to question everything you hold dear. Before you abandon your beliefs, consider how you may have held unrealistic expectations. It's never wise to put someone on a pedestal. Relatives will shake their heads and call you na ve. Before you fall in with their cynical way of thinking, consider whether there is another path to forge. Look within for inspiration, instead of investing in others with all of your favourite qualities.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you owe a friend a favour, make it your first priority to repay the debt. If that means a change of plan, so be it. Relationships are among your most precious possessions. Don't throw them away for something as stupid as cash. You may not realise it, but your friend has been struggling. Put an end to their suffering by restoring their financial security. Be careful about making promises in future. Remember how much work it will take to keep them.

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