
Your creativity is flowing like a mighty river. This is a wonderful time for breakthroughs and innovations. If you're not happy with a current situation, pinpoint the source of trouble. Invent a way to get around the trigger. Your approach will spread like wildfire. If you're a designer, artist or musician, you'll generate some of the most impressive work ever. Put regular responsibilities on the back burner and focus on a labour of love instead. You won't be sorry.

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You'll be able to negotiate a raise or land a well-paid job. Don't accept second best from clients, patients and employers. When you demand what you are worth, you'll attract fabulous financial opportunities. Wealthy people understand the wisdom of working with professionals who come at a high price. They know such people offer superior products and services. If your current field doesn't pay enough to cover your expenses, move into a more lucrative industry. Getting some training will pay off handsomely.

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Show your appreciation for friends who have helped you through a difficult situation. They've shown support for a bold plan that wasn't popular with conservative types. Thanks to their encouragement, you left a confining situation. This has allowed you to use your creativity, pursue your dreams and abandon burdens. Hosting a party may be a great way to celebrate all the support you've received. Never underestimate the importance of your social network. They have always been critical to your personal happiness and professional success.

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Trust your intuition when it comes to a professional challenge. You will be able to talk sense to an employer who is poised to make a hasty decision. By discussing the potential pitfalls of this choice, you'll steer them in a healthier direction. While you understand the impulse to walk away from a bad deal, it's better to fulfil existing obligations. If alliances should be ended, do so in a way that pleases all parties. Acting out of anger will only make a bad situation worse.

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You'll have a chance to share your expertise with others. Having an enthusiastic audience for these talks will boost your self-esteem. Instead of feeling neglected, you'll feel valued. Take this opportunity to mentor someone who inspires you in some way. By teaching them a valuable trade or skill, you'll ensure that your own talents will live for generations. If you get a chance to take this group on an overseas trip, grab it. A good time will be had by all.

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A bonus or award will be given as thanks for your hard work. Thanks to your attention to detail, a terrible mistake was avoided. Your employer appreciates your sharp eye and wants you to remain with the company. If you're at the bargaining table, take this opportunity to ask for a profit sharing agreement, tuition reimbursement or additional annual leave. You have more power than you realise. Exacting workers like you are as rare as hen's teeth. Price your wares accordingly.

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Put your faith in someone who lavishes you with unconditional love. If you're single, become your own best friend. Give yourself the care and consideration you desire from a partner. When you fall in love with yourself, you'll attract the affection you desire. There's plenty to adore about yourself. You're charming, intelligent, creative, diplomatic and artistic. Remember this the next time your inner critic rears its ugly head. You'll be walking tall and pursuing opportunities for happiness in no time flat.

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Taking good care of your health will have unexpected benefits. You might get a chance to participate in a medical study that lets you work with a talented wellness professional. Working with this expert will result in some impressive breakthroughs. A nagging ache or pain will vanish into thin air, allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest. If you've been struggling to break a bad habit, entering this programme will be highly effective. Be open to accepting help from any source available.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Being able to travel with your best friend or romantic partner will be lots of fun. You'll enjoy exploring an area of the world that is off the beaten path. Be sure that your companion is open to roughing it. Luxurious accommodations will be few and far between. That will be more fun for you, as you enjoy abandoning the comforts of home from time to time. Are you single? You could meet someone special while touring an out of the way place.

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The secret to your success is an ability to remain calm, no matter what is happening around you. By generating a sense of profound peace, you put others at ease. Tense situations begin to relax, allowing people to come together in a spirit of harmony. Instead of trying to control other people's behaviour, focus on maintaining your equilibrium. This attitude will benefit your home life especially. Your nearest and dearest feel safe and secure when you're on the scene.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Meeting someone will give you a new lease on life. You enjoy discussing your favourite subjects with someone who shares your outlook. Although you're reluctant to get involved in a serious relationship, this encounter can change your mind. Do you already have a partner? This newcomer could become a creative collaborator. Working on some songs, a book or a film will bring out the best in you both. You handle the big picture while your other half deals with the small details.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Working from home will be rewarding. You take great comfort from familiar, comfortable surroundings. The simple act of being able to control the climate will make you much more productive. If it isn't possible to telecommute, think about starting a mail order business. Selling your handicrafts can bring in a nice stream of income. Within a few months, you'll be able to do this work full time. Being your own boss will promote emotional and mental health. Don't be afraid to take the leap.

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