
Dwelling on past disappointments is keeping you from moving forward. You have an opportunity to explore unfamiliar territory. Taking a short trip, attending a course or getting involved with a community fundraiser is a great use of your time. Not only will you stimulate your intellect, but you'll meet some nice people along the way. If someone who hurt you tries making their way back into your life, turn them away. You've learned a valuable lesson and won't be fooled twice by this manipulator.

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Someone who you thought is a good friend has been talking behind your back. It's best to stop confiding in this deceptive person. They don't have your best interests at heart. Jealousy is the reason for their betrayal. Although you've always been generous with your time and attention, these gestures only made them angrier. Some people would rather be consumed by envy than accept grace. The sooner you break with them, the happier you'll be. Don't put up with people who resent your success.

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An impractical attitude about your career is causing frustration. The promotion you feel you deserve has been elusive. Although your interviewing skills are strong, you lack the critical experience to be given a leadership role. The best way to fill this gap is to work as an apprentice or volunteer. Working with a respected expert will be an invaluable learning experience. Not only will you gain valuable skills, but you'll develop a professional attitude that commands respect.

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Legal difficulties demand attention. If you haven't gone through the proper channels in getting official permission, try to rectify it. Don't make a lot of excuses; own up to your part of the problem. An official will be much more sympathetic if you take responsibility for your mistakes. If it's necessary to hire a lawyer, don't complain about the fees. You will need a competent professional to sort out this mess. Trying to tackle the job yourself will only create more confusion.

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You'll detect mysterious activity in a joint account. It's time to have a heart to heart with your romantic or business partner. If your other half has been taking money out of this fund without your permission, it's time to make some changes. Withdraw your share and put it in a place where it can only be accessed by you. You can't risk playing fast and loose with your hard earned cash. If someone close to your heart has stolen money, file a police report.

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Your best friend, romantic or business partner is giving you mixed signals. You're tired of trying to figure out what they want. If your other half can't be honest, it may be best to put this relationship on hold. You're determined to reach a career goal. This won't be possible when you are continually undermined by someone who is fearful about your success. Instead of wasting valuable energy on a troubled alliance, concentrate on making a good impression on a job interview.

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Being unreliable at work will result in dismissal. You may not care about getting fired now, but you'll change your tune when you discover how difficult it is to secure another position. It's best to play it safe and show up on time and ready to work. When you're off duty, look for another job. It will take longer than expected, so be patient. By continually filling out applications and going on interviews, you will eventually strike gold. Persistence pays off.

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Neglecting your creative side makes you tired and irritable. Change your priorities. Scale back work commitments and devote time each day to your favourite hobby. Writing, painting or playing music will renew your zest for life. At that point, you'll become a love magnet. You're never more attractive than when you're exercising your imagination. Do you already have partner? Things are about to become very passionate between you. Your sensual side is entwined with your creative impulses.

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Getting some space from a neurotic relative will be therapeutic. You're tired of constantly reassuring your loved one. Sneaking off to a secluded hideaway will give you a chance to rest, relax and review your options. It's time to set a new tone in this relationship. Tell your family member you will no longer be on call for them. Invite them to get professional counselling for their problems. Don't let your loved one lay a guilt trip on you; you can't be held responsible for their state of mind.

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Daydreaming is undermining your progress. Although it's fun to imagine 'what if,' it's even more thrilling to turn your dreams into reality. You may find you will need to take several different routes to find the success you seek. Be patient and ask lots of questions. Take detailed notes, since you will have to refer to them when carrying out a complicated job. When an executive sees how seriously you take your work, they'll give you the funding to get an ambitious project off the ground.

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You can't afford to take any more time off. Pouring your energy into work will get your income flowing again. You'll have to accept some mundane jobs to pay your bills. Instead of being resentful, give thanks for these assignments. Once people hear you are back in business, you'll attract more creative job offers. Until then, concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other. It will be necessary to juggle bills until your first pay day arrives.

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You're unclear about what you want. Part of you wants to create a comfortable home life. Another side of your personality rebels against the thought of being tied down. It's best to err on the side of freedom. Entering a career field that allows you to work in a variety of countries is a smart idea. Not only will such an industry let you travel widely, it will also give you a chance to sample different cultures and lifestyles. Don't back yourself into a corner.

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