
Jealousy could rear its ugly head. If you want to retain someone's love, you must be attentive and kind. Of course, it's always possible someone will betray your trust without a good reason. If this happens, remain philosophical. You shouldn't stay with a lover who treats you poorly, regardless of your history together. When dealing with an inconstant lover, break things off and move on to greener pastures. There's no reason you should put up with being treated like a second class citizen.

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It's difficult to deal with a relative who is always picking fights. Arguing is only robbing you of valuable energy. You're better off avoiding this pest altogether. Don't worry what outsiders will think of your behaviour. You owe it to yourself to surround yourself with supportive, loving people. If you are having difficulty with your romantic partner's family, discuss the issue with your amour. It's important to have your honour defended or your relationship could wither on the vine.

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You resent being micromanaged. Unfortunately, passive/aggressive behaviour will only further complicate your relationship with a relative or neighbour. The best way to resolve this power struggle is through a heart to heart conversation. Give specific examples of how you do not want to be treated. Offer healthy alternatives. Fortunately, you have strong communication skills and can resolve this problem through logical discussion. If tempers flare, back away and resume the conversation later.

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Just because you don't earn a certain amount of money doesn't mean you are unworthy of love. Anybody who belittles you on the basis of your income should be ignored. There are more attractive fish in the sea. This isn't the best time to buy luxury items. Something that looks fetching in a shop window will bring terrible disappointment. You're better off keeping your money safe in the bank. Save it for something that will bring long term pleasure.

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Don't do anything impulsive. Making big changes to your domestic environment will be cause for regret. It's better to experiment with incremental alternations that aren't permanent. A well intentioned relative is trying your patience. Resist the temptation to lash out at their unwanted attempts to help. Although you can handle these problems perfectly well by yourself, this family member wants to feel needed. Be charitable and act as if their contributions are greatly appreciated.

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You may have a romantic rival of whom you are entirely unaware. Never take your amour for granted. If you're not working to keep the passion between you alive, a breakup could occur. Are you single? Beware of developing an unhealthy obsession with a neighbour or colleague. You're better off keeping things platonic. The two of you are highly unsuited. Plus, getting involved will complicate your personal and professional lives. Enjoy your freedom and wait for a more appropriate partner to come along.

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Gossiping about a friend's scandalous behaviour is a bad idea. You wouldn't want to be judged this way. Don't leap to conclusions and wait to hear the other side of the story. It's possible you won't have money to go on an expensive outing. Don't be shy about explaining why you can't go. There's a good chance several other members of the group are in the same boat. They'll appreciate your honesty and an alternate plan could be proposed.

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Don't resort to bullying tactics to get what you want. You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar. It's hard to ingratiate yourself to someone you don't respect. Think about how much better your career prospects will be if you make friends with this executive. You have to admit, you're tired of getting passed up for promotions. By adopting a sweeter disposition, you'll get the opportunities you want to move ahead. A little compromise is necessary to meet your goals.

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This isn't a good time to argue about spiritual matters. Normally, you're very open minded about people's religious beliefs. Recently you've become concerned that someone is under the influence of an unscrupulous guru. Unfortunately, nothing you do or say will change your friend's mind. You're better off avoiding the subject altogether. Eventually, they'll realise the person they idolised has feet of clay. Don't discuss a romantic matter with an indiscreet relative.

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You may not want to hear what a loved one has to say. The truth can be painful. Instead of getting defensive, think about ways you can improve your relationship. Taking these criticisms to heart can spur a radical transformation. You have to admit you're tired of arguing all the time. By showing you are able to change for the sake of harmony, you'll pave the way for a happier, healthier relationship. Lending or borrowing money could ruin a friendship. Don't do it.

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It's important to practice tact with your best friend or lover. Although their behaviour is driving you up the wall, try to play down your frustration. Criticism is better received when it is offered as helpful advice. If you're having difficulty finding a job, it could be because you have to become a better team player. Practice your listening skills. Even a stubborn character like you can compromise from time to time. Stop insisting your ideas are best and listen to what others have to say.

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You could suffer from burnout if you keep working at this rate. Although you possess the greatest amount of expertise in a particular area, that doesn't mean you have to micromanage a project. Showing a newcomer the ropes will take some of the pressure off your shoulders. Don't worry; you will not become obsolete. Actually, people will value you more when you help expand their skills. You have the makings of a great teacher and mentor. Keep up the good work.

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