
You're extremely attentive to a lover or business associate, sometimes deferring your feelings to theirs. It may be better to put your feelings first today. This is especially true with regard to travel and educational opportunities. If you're offered a chance to visit another country or get back into education, take it. Your partner may express reservations, but they'll come to accept your decision in time. Right now, you've got to follow your own star.

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It may be difficult to find a job that suits you, so just focus on making the best of a tough situation. There's nothing to stop you from making other plans. For instance, you may decide to take a boring position, then save your cash to spend on learning. Alternatively, you could take a small, insignificant job in your desired industry with the intention of moving up the ladder. Use opportunities as stepping stones.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You tend to be a bit impulsive about love, preferring to leap before you look. Resist the urge to buy the object of your affection an expensive gift, though. This can set up a dangerous dynamic that will leave you both feeling used and frustrated. You're better off expressing your feelings through heartfelt words and loving gestures. Beware of hitching your star to a person who wants to change you into somebody you're not.

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Assuming responsibilities for your relatives is taking a toll on your health. You've got to get some distance from these people, even at the risk of seeming insensitive. Begin by doing one nice thing for yourself each day. It could be taking yourself out to lunch, going for solitary walks, or enjoying one piece of really good chocolate. The important thing is to demonstrate you really do value yourself.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A strong imagination could prompt you to believe the worst case scenario. Don't fall prey to negativity, especially when things look so promising on the romantic front. If you've been looking for love, get dressed up and go to a concert, movie, or play. You could cross paths with an irreverent jokester who makes you weak with laughter. Do you already have a lover? Then plan a night out on the town together.

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You love to earn money through creative means, mostly because you've got such great ideas and while it's important to be thrifty if you've just started a business, you may have to buy some expensive office equipment that saves time and money. Don't let pessimistic relatives burst your bubble. You know what you want and where you're going. That's half the battle. Your detractors are probably just jealous of your resolve.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Home and family are of primary importance right now; you can't be bothered with a pesky thing like work. Your boss may feel differently and will ask if you can put in extra hours or assume additional duties. At times like these, you have to consult your conscience and do what is best for the group. Fortunately, you are able to express yourself in a forceful way that will make naggers back down.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You're very sensitive, receptive, and intuitive towards other people. Unfortunately, everybody doesn't share these talents. Somebody could make a crass comment that cuts you to the quick. At times like these, you need to get away and gather your thoughts. Remember that cruel people are often angry at themselves. Stand up for yourself with quiet dignity, then let your critic go on their merry way. This is a test of your mettle.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It's easy for you to attract admirers, but harder to cultivate intimacy. That may be because you treat romance like a joke. Don't be afraid to show your softer side, even if it means being vulnerable to someone you really like. If you've got a lover, it's important to confess your greatest fears or your union could weaken at the seams. Use this powerful day to transform your love life from drab to fab.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It feels like you don't have much of a private life right now. This puts quite a damper on relationships. If you're single, it's impossible to date, because you're so busy at work. If you're attached, you can't find time for your beloved. Something has got to give. Deep down inside, you know you've got to make some changes. Approach your boss and explain you're near the breaking point. Call in the reserves!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You have a tendency to be vague, dreamy, and impractical when it comes to work. Part of the problem is your current duties don't interest you very much. When faced with a mountain of boring tasks, your best bet is to carry them out with Zen like simplicity. Stay in the moment, and remember these tasks serve a good purpose. Then, when you're finished, give yourself a reward. Meet with friends after hours.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A desire to make life better for a child or lover could prompt you to make a poor decision. There's no point sugar-coating the truth; this person has to learn to face facts. Of course, you can offer plenty of sympathy and guidance. But covering up the facts will only lead to trouble. You may feel tempted to pretend you're somebody you're not to a love interest. Don't, or a promising relationship could wither.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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