
Worrying about work could cause you to neglect friends and family. The fact is, your priorities should be reversed. The stresses you're experiencing on the job front will soon melt away once you focus on your personal life. It will be much easier to handle public criticism when you know you're going home to a loving household. Be more willing to accept other people's ideas. Cooperation is the name of the game.

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It may be difficult for you to master certain techniques, which is absolutely maddening. You're tired of lagging behind while seemingly stupid people sail ahead. Don't treat this situation as a contest of wits. You're extremely bright; it's just that you learn differently than others. Approaching your lessons from another angle could cause a series of breakthroughs. Ask for additional instruction if you continue to have trouble.

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A lack of resources could put strain on a close partnership; you each have different ideas on spending money. Rather than capitulate to your associate's demands, enact a compromise. Put yourselves on a limited budget that allows purchases that reflect both of your priorities. That way, nobody wins, but nobody will feel cheated, either. You may even come to appreciate your friend's foresight with regard to certain purchases. Flexibility is essential.

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You're not in the mood to banter with a business or romantic partner, and it shows. Beware of hurting this person's feelings through cold silences and frosty replies. Just because your perspective is bleak doesn't mean you have the right to darken everybody else's outlook. Try your best to encourage your friend's ideas and celebrate their successes. They've done the same for you in the past. This is definitely a day of self-sacrifice.

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It's been a long time since you've felt inspired, and your body is paying the price. You may have to force yourself into the gym in order to feel better. An active person like you can't handle sitting behind a desk all day. Don't think that you're off the hook if you work outdoors. It's still important for you to engage in a fun activity that distracts you from the daily grind.

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Relating to a group of friends is difficult right now, as you have totally different priorities. You may feel they are too serious, and prefer the company of more fun-loving people. Feel free to make new acquaintances, but remember your old mates are too precious to abandon altogether. There will come a time when you will crave their presence. Meanwhile, try your hand at a new hobby that challenges your intellect.

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You're totally preoccupied with domestic matters, which interferes with your work performance. Be prepared for an authority figure to voice their disappointment. You can either reveal the nature of your problem or keep it a secret, but keep in mind that a confession may ease the pressure. After all, you can't expect your colleagues to be patient with you if they don't understand that this is a particularly stressful time.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Delays in communications and shipments can be a source of enormous frustration. Be sure that if you're sending an important document that the package is tracked in some way. If you haven't received a response to a phone call or e-mail, follow up with the recipient. In the event that you're expecting a delivery, it's a good idea to post a note on your front door specifying where the package should be left. Otherwise, you could be disappointed.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You can't help but worry about money issues, which makes you feel frivolous. Although you are in a much better position than most other people, it's hard not to agonise over the things you can't afford. Maybe you need to make some adjustments to your spending habits. It's important to buy yourself an occasional luxury you genuinely appreciate, while cutting back on more frivolous purchases that are ultimately meaningless.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It's difficult for you to accept limitations that are being put on you by loved ones. You especially dislike being treated like a child. Before you lash out, consider why you are being treated this way. Do you continually have to be told to perform assigned chores? Are you behaving in a way that inconveniences your family? Think of all the things your friends do to help you, and then start returning these favours.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Resist the urge to paint the blackest picture possible with regard to your health. Things aren't as horrible as they seem. In fact, you'll begin to feel much better through the power of positive thinking. Part of the problem may be that you're devoting your energy to activities that anger and depress you. Make an effort to do something that gives you joy for at least an hour each day. You'll benefit physically and emotionally.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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People may be talking behind your back, and it's hard to know who to trust. Being more discreet is essential, particularly with regard to your personal life. Friends won't think well of you if you continually complain about certain people, and may even wonder if you gossip about them in your spare time. The best way to guard yourself against similar attacks is to limit your comments to praiseworthy ones.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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