
It will take longer than expected to find a better housing situation. Instead of entering into a less than ideal arrangement, be patient. Stay with an understanding friend until you find a place that is comfortable, attractive and in a great location. If you're looking for housing in a place where you don't know anyone, think about staying in a residential hotel. This will give you a chance to gain a greater familiarity with the surrounding neighbourhoods. This is an important commitment. Don't treat it lightly.

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Disappointing news throws you off balance. You were expecting a much different outcome. Give yourself a chance to adjust to the changes ahead. It isn't realistic to automatically bounce back from such a shock. When anyone teases you about feeling this situation too deeply, tell them to leave you alone. There's no reason you should have to endure such demeaning treatment. Anyone in your situation would be thrown off balance. Talking to a counsellor can be a healthy outlet for this upsurge of emotion.

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A payment will be delayed, creating anxiety. Instead of waiting for a bank deposit or a cheque to arrive, look for a new source of income. Doing freelance work will be a good way to increase your prosperity. Instead of trying to make scant resources stretch as far as they will go, you'll have more leeway. A hospital, government agency or university may need help processing their paperwork. Approach such institutions with job enquiries. You will get a very lucrative assignment that lasts for months.

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Postpone signing a legal document, making an investment or accepting a job. There are aspects of this arrangement that work against you. Take this opportunity to renegotiate a better deal, even if it means spearheading a tense encounter. The sooner the opposition knows you are not a pushover, the better off you will be. You deserve to be treated with consideration and respect. If these basic courtesies are not offered, hold out for another arrangement. It will come when you need it most.

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A relative or neighbour has been keeping a dark secret. Don't feel pressured into protecting their reputation. Anyone involved in unethical behaviour has to be reported. You don't want to be complicit in these misdeeds. It pains you to notify the authorities. If you don't speak up, further damage will be done. Think about the innocent victims. Wouldn't you want a good Samaritan to come to your rescue if the tables were turned? Listen to your conscience; it's steering you in the right direction.

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You're questioning the loyalty of a friend. There's something about their behaviour that makes you believe they are jealous. Instead of wondering about their motives, take a direct approach. Ask your loved one why they seem antagonistic. You will be surprised to learn how resentful they've been. No matter what you do or say, they'll be unable to rejoice over your good luck. Instead of maintaining this bond, put a quick end to it. There's no reason to subject yourself to their negative energy.

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A strict rule keeps you from moving forward. This is a bitter pill to swallow. Rather than dwelling on your frustration, pour your energy into a creative project. Making something useful or beautiful will be a welcome distraction from bureaucracy. Just when you become fully engrossed in your work, a ban will be lifted. At that point, you can sail forward with relative ease. Make sure you write a thank you note to a bank officer, government official or medical professional.

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You're concerned about the health of someone who lives far away. A visit will be therapeutic for everyone concerned. If you've been avoiding a relative, it's time to have an honest talk. You don't necessarily have to forgive someone who harmed you. It is important to release their power over you. Once this encounter is over, you'll feel like a tremendous burden has been lifted from your shoulders. You'll be surprised how strong you feel with someone who used to fill you with fear.

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A bounced cheque or overdrawn bank account will result in heavy penalties. Nip this problem in the bud as quickly as possible. Talk to bank officials to find ways to avoid problems like this from occurring in the future. Your cavalier attitude towards money comes at a price. Instead of neglecting resources, become a better steward. Keep cash in reserve and budget carefully. Slowly but surely, you'll build a nest egg that will keep you out of trouble.

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A troubled partnership is causing you to lose sleep. It's time to address the elephant in the room. If you're no longer in love with someone, be honest. You can't force affection. Go on an extended trip after a breakup. This will help you make a fresh start. You have a tendency to get caught in tiresome patterns. By adopting a more spontaneous approach to life, you'll avoid the pitfalls you encountered in the past. Team up with someone who encourages you to take risks.

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Your health needs extra care and attention. It's no longer possible to burn the candle at both ends. Instead of going from meeting to meeting, cancel some appointments. Go home early and get some sleep. Go for home-cooked food instead of ordering a takeaway. If you're completely exhausted, take a few days off work. Pushing yourself past the breaking point will cause a terrible setback. Your body is crying out for rest. As soon as you obey its signals, those nagging aches and pains will subside.

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Your expectations of a loving and loyal partner will not be fulfilled. Let this be a lesson moving forward. Instead of looking for someone with precise attributes, keep an open mind. Focus on enjoying yourself instead of finding a partner. When you least expect it, you'll meet someone who fills you with excitement. Instead of wanting to mould them into a specific shape, you'll accept them happily, warts and all. You can't force an intimate bond. It must develop naturally. Lighten up.

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