
The question to ask yourself today is: do you exchange your dignity for the sake of menial belongings? Contacting a friend or lover you've just split up with to ask for the return of some possessions is not a good idea. Unless it's a diamond ring or a unique item, it won't be worth the pain, hassle and stress of being in each other's presence just to reclaim items you could easily do without!

Get todays Aries horoscope
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To avoid later come backs go out of your way to make certain people understand what you are saying or asking of them. Problems can be evaded by making yourself perfectly clear to others from the start. A lack of pressure or responsibility could generate a complacent attitude in some people but not you. You have a personal target and this acts as a spur urging you on to hopefully better things to come.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A housemate's opinion of something you recently said or done is not entirely what you were expecting. If you were hoping they'd be pleased with you, it might be disappointing to have to listen to their complaints or grievances. Since you can't please everybody today, at least you are on the right track so far as advancing your own interests are concerned. You might decide it is time to simply please yourself!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Just because you and a loved one differ in opinions it does not mean you aren't compatible any more! Try and work out what it is that's making you so angry. Are you allowing emotions to get the better of you? If you're upset with someone, go for a walk or sit in the park until you've both calmed down. Talk things through with someone who isn't so involved and this could well give you additional material or information to play with.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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News received could be deceptive especially if messages are received in the early hours. Someone might create unnecessary panic and chaos through misinterpreting an innocent situation. Using your sense of humour or even refusing to acknowledge anything is amiss might go a long way towards restoring harmony. If you're finding it hard to view a situation in a less than passionate fashion, try to look at it from a completely different perspective.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Someone's obsession with getting their revenge or settling old scores could disturb or concern you. You might feel like running for cover when a friend or colleague becomes incensed with a situation you don't understand and can't help them with. Don't show your own anger, frustration and confusion. Instead try to remain logical and impersonal and appeal to their more forgiving side.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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There will be moments when you feel you are just marking time until other people get their act together. Some activities will be interesting without being absorbing and you will pass a mildly active day in cheerful company. Not everything goes according to plan and some projects are delayed. You feel you haven't done much. Even so, you will still be complimented for making a positive contribution to a joint effort.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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As far as you can, tie up loose ends relating to any group efforts you are involved in. Soon you won't feel so much like socialising and you will prefer to pursue more private endeavours. Even so guard against overtaxing yourself either mentally or physically. Overburdening yourself with too many responsibilities will leave you drained and unable to make sensible decisions or choices. Don't let it get that far.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Some people are taking advantage of others and there is no reason why the status quo should be allowed to continue. One way to reinforce your belief that someone should start pulling their weight is to refuse to carry out duties they should be doing. Just press on with matters affecting you personally. Once others realise no-one's going to do their work for them they will feel obliged to change their behaviour.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You might take the opportunity to prove you aren't always bound by traditional methods and ideals. Catch others unaware by a change of tactics and a situation can be turned to your advantage through the element of surprise. With you and a partner being so in tune with each other today, what could be more natural than to end it with an evening of romance?

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You might be tempted to indulge in some mild and modest speculation despite knowing there's little chance of winning. As long as you're aware of what you stand to lose, you are at least making the choice with all possible consequences in mind. Should any money luck come your way, don't rush out and spend the lot. The extra cash could come in useful at the very end of September.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You are taking a lover's tiff or if you are a parent, some squabbles with your offspring, too seriously. You might wish you felt more in charge of your emotions when an unsettled atmosphere disturbs you more than you're admitting. If you catch yourself thinking some things aren't going to work out, then think again. You're allowing fear to control your thinking and you need to be more positive in yourself and within your relationships.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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