
Someone wants a heart to heart, you know this is long overdue, so what's the problem? Until you get together and really talk, you are going to get no further in a relationship. You might feel over sensitive about past issues which remain unresolved and you know this might cramp your style. You want to come over as confident and sure of yourself but in some situations this can make you seem arrogant and pompous. Today, just be yourself and speak from the heart.

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Go ahead: buy yourself a present or treat yourself to something nice and don't feel guilty about doing so. What fun would life be without the occasional pampering and indulgences? You're always busy, you take your obligations seriously and you never let anyone down but don't forget to make time to take care of yourself too. Do something today that gives you genuine pleasure and don't think for a moment you don't deserve this!

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Home is where the heart is today; you aren't in the mood to go out, nor to join in with social plans so why bother? Catering to other people's needs is an almost impossible task when you can't even be bothered with yourself! Remember putting yourself out to keep other people happy will leave you worn out and weary. There's no point in doing anything just to impress or please others. Fortunately, you're not the type to let anyone manipulate you and today you will insist on making your own decisions and choices.

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Sharing your knowledge or skills puts you in the spotlight but you won't always be at ease with this attention. Yes you are glad to be able to help other people out of a spot of bother but you aren't doing this for applause or admiration. Once the spotlight finally moves away from you, you might spend some time analysing the situation. You have talents you could be putting to better use and you're not doing yourself any favours hiding your light under a bushel!

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Overconfidence in your abilities could be a major sore point in a relationship. You need to decide on the value of allowing someone else to take the lead even if only for a short period of time. Because you have been so focused on your own capabilities, you may not have realised how inadequate others have felt in comparison. Everyone wants to feel needed. By handing over the reigns to a partner, you will be redressing the balance in this relationship.

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You have plenty of self control and you are taking a responsible attitude to most situations. The same cannot be said of a friend or colleague who seems to have lost their ability to make even the smallest of decisions. Perhaps the reason you're so mad with them is because their behaviour is starting to hinder your own progress. It is time you put an end to this cycle by either making their decisions for them or finding someone more assertive and practical to work with.

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Spending time alone helps you come to terms with the resentment or anger you feel towards someone. Despite your mental approach to most matters you may realise you have recently been allowing your feelings to get the better of you. The mere act of saying 'sorry' for something you have said or done which you now regret will be the first step towards a reconciliation you secretly long for.

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Some suggestions you hear today will have more merit than you first give them credit for. For this reason, you should be guarded about your reactions. A negative response will cause other people to instantly clam up and all the ideas they would have subsequently shared will never be aired. You need to try to encourage people to share their thoughts and feelings. Later, you should ponder deeply on today's events and conversations.

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You don't need logic to understand a loved one's behaviour, try tuning into their emotions. People will appreciate you better if you show you know how they feel, rather than inferring how they should be reacting. By putting yourself in someone else's shoes, your empathy will be appreciated and you will be able to prove your compassion in a pragmatic way by helping others to help themselves.

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If chores prevent you from spending the day in the way you'd like, think about postponing arrangements made for tomorrow. It's unlikely your conscience will allow you to turn your back on your commitments but you need to seriously consider whether lately you have taken on too much. On the plus side, you will get a good deal out of the way today because of the determined and matter of fact approach you are taking to your work.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If a group has been operating on a shoestring, a meeting today might establish the need to go out and look for funding. A lack of money is probably the main barrier for providing a volunteer group with the equipment or shelter they need. A fund raising exercise or applying for a small project grant could be the start of an exciting new chapter in this group's affairs.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It might seem, sometimes, as if you are a problem magnet the way other people are coming to you with all their worries. Beware, today, of someone who is trying to take advantage of your good nature. You could never be hard headed or unfeeling but a person who perpetually brings problems upon themselves needs more than just a friendly word of advice. You might suggest they talk to a professional.

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