
Working in a quiet, peaceful environment brings out the best in you. Recently, you've been submerged in a whirlwind of activity. This has been distracting. Tell your boss you need a private work area where you can focus. This doesn't have to be a permanent arrangement. Working from home is a good possibility. You'll be much more productive when people aren't always stopping at your desk for a chat. Once you've completed this task, you can join the fray again.

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Artistic, sensitive people make good friends for you. You're a thoroughly practical person who sometimes places too much importance on duty. Surrounding yourself with creative types will fuel your own imagination. Take this opportunity to devote more time to writing, music or design. Any activity that feels more like play than work will be therapeutic. Don't worry; there will be plenty of time to attend to your responsibilities. It's highly unlikely you will neglect your obligations.

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Pursuing an unusual career path will be lots of fun. Family and friends will be sceptical about your prospects, but you'll soon land a satisfying position. You'll enjoy work that requires a great deal of creativity and compassion. Working unusual hours or having a variety of duties won't bother you. You'd much rather do work that requires tremendous flexibility. Routines may be comforting to most people, but they bore you. If you're happy with your current position, you will get a rise or promotion.

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The opportunity to study with a respected professor will fall into your lap. Be quick to enrol in a course, as spots will fill faster than you expect. Getting intellectual stimulation will improve virtually every area of your life. Suddenly, you'll be more compassionate towards your loved ones. Working with colleagues will be easier. Attending to family responsibilities will seem less burdensome. That's what happens when you put your needs first. Remember this principle the next time you feel overwhelmed.

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An ardent lover will sweep you off your feet. It feels wonderful to be the object of someone's desire. Enjoy these passionate encounters to the fullest, but don't lose sight of more practical concerns. Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or dividend could soon arrive. This windfall will allow you to buy some beautiful items for your home. Take this opportunity to splash out on a gorgeous piece of furniture or artwork that has been beckoning from a shop window.

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Form a partnership with someone who shares your spiritual values. You're a highly practical person who sometimes gets bogged down with work. It is therapeutic to be with someone who reminds you of more sacred considerations. Are you already in a relationship? This would be a good time for you and your amour to take a trip together. Visiting a seaside resort will help you reconnect, both emotionally and physically. Stop placing so much emphasis on work and family responsibility.

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You're idealistic about work, which fuels your success. It gives you great pleasure to go the extra mile for customers and clients. If you're unemployed, you could land a job in the art and entertainment field. Getting paid to exercise your imagination will be the answer to a prayer. The salary will be significant. Instead of raising your standard of living, put a good portion of each months pay into savings. Soon, you'll have enough for a deposit on a home or car.

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A passionate romance gives you an attractive glow. Everyone will want to know if you've been to a spa or had a cosmetic procedure. As far as you're concerned, the best cosmetic is love. If you're single, this is a wonderful opportunity to meet someone special. You could cross paths with your soul mate at a house of worship, art gallery or theatre. Don't let someone wearing distinctive footwear get away before learning their name and phone number.

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Spending time on domestic pursuits is a welcome change from being in the public eye. Take this opportunity to stock the pantry, do some laundry and tidy up. If you've been yearning to redecorate a drab room, this is the perfect time to do so. You'll have fun painting or papering a space that has always felt forbidding. When you're finished, this could become your favourite place to relax. Search antique shops for distinctive looking furniture and artwork.

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Indulge your love of learning by taking an adult education course. Resist the urge to study a subject related to your career. It's important for you to have hobbies that are completely unrelated to work. You're sure to make several good friends with those around you. If you have difficulty grasping certain concepts or techniques, ask your instructor for help. It's always difficult for you to admit a need for assistance. This situation will allow you to practice in a supportive environment.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Trust your intuition about a moneymaking prospect. Friends and family will think it's a mistake to pursue a career in the non-profit world. Pay no attention to these warnings. You fare best when you're helping others. Turning a profit holds little interest for you. Fortunately, a high profile position at a volunteer organisation could become available. Be sure to apply. Your powerful vision will be a decided asset. Don't be afraid to showcase these high ideals during an interview.

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Your imagination is extremely powerful. Channel it into an art project. This is a wonderful opportunity to release anger and frustration. Stop letting people wield power over you. It's time to pursue a cherished dream. Listening to the taunts of someone who is clearly jealous will undermine your progress. When fear threatens to overcome you, turn to a design, music or writing project. Having an outlet for your frustrations will cause your confidence to soar. You will have the last laugh.

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