
Lessons you learned in the past will come in handy today. If you get an opportunity to acquire a skill, take it. You may not have to use this knowledge in your current job, but it will benefit you sooner than you think. Seeking employment? Be willing to start at the bottom of an important organisation. You'll soon rise through the ranks. Opportunities related to property development, archaeology, or banking look potential packed.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Starting college, taking an overseas trip, or publishing a book are within the realms of possibility. Pursue your passion for a subject as if you were a bloodhound. You have a particular affinity for crafts. Weaving, pottery, glasswork it's so important to keep these time honoured traditions alive. You have all the patience necessary to make beautiful works of art with your hands. These days, that's a rarity. Share your insight with others.

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Offering guidance to children who are in crisis may be very rewarding. This is the perfect forum for your youthful enthusiasm. Your students may be jaded or cynical, and it's no wonder. They've experienced so much disappointment they are afraid to hope. By giving them the proper encouragement, tempered with discipline, you'll restore their belief that life can be beautiful. An older relative can give you financial support if you want to buy a house.

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Discussing business with a partner could prove rewarding. If the two of you are going to work together, you need to be on the same page. Write a list of your goals and show them to your other half. This will help you to set an agenda for the next year. If you're on your own, you could meet someone special in a classroom. Sign up for a course in graphic design, accounting, or management. Business related courses yield the best fruit.

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People may find your views old fashioned, but that's why you've been assigned an important job. Turn a deaf ear to colleagues who are jealous of your success you are the only one deserving this recognition. Be frugal with any money that has been entrusted with you. By making these funds stretch far, you'll be given an even bigger budget next time around. If you have to, you can evoke luxury without breaking the bank.

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Take a child's complaints seriously; although your young friend doesn't have adult concerns, their fears are very valid. By devising a strategy for coping with a difficult situation, you'll win their trust. Think back to a relative who helped you through a hard time. Model your behaviour after theirs. If you're thinking of having a child, take the plunge. A baby will bring welcome levity to your life. It will also trigger some hidden artistic talents.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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If you feel overwhelmed, ask your relatives for help. They'll be happy to babysit or run errands while you recharge your batteries. You hate depending on others, but the alternative will cause you to collapse from exhaustion. Don't feel guilty about putting a child in day care to grab a few hours for yourself. Feel free to use this time in any way you wish. Take a nap, read a book, luxuriate in the bath. You've earned a rest.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Enrolling on a course will put you in contact with all sorts of interesting people. Although you enjoy studying on your own, that's no substitute for interacting with your fellow students. Having a good teacher also helps you see issues in a slightly different light. If you're single, you could make a love connection with your instructor. Although there may be a big difference in your ages, you'll generate plenty of sparks together.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Tremendous financial rewards are coming your way. It's all due to your leadership ability. Someone who admires your knack for rallying the troops could offer you an impressive job. Alternatively, your employer will may give you a raise. If you're considering a career move, you may want to explore opportunities related to journalism, medical research, or accounting. You've got a keen mind and it enables you to turn in the accurate, incisive work such jobs require.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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This could be a good time to check out the possibilities of adding to your qualifications and expanding your skills package. Your personal and professional options are looking positive but you will need to take the initiative and start making your own opportunities. If you get complacent and wait for something to be handed to you on a plate you could be waiting for a very long time so get out there and start making things happen.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Keep a love affair under wraps as you'll have plenty of opportunity to go public with this relationship. At the moment you've got to guard it like a small seedling. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a hospital, school, or government institution. Keep your eyes open for a reserved person with old fashioned taste. Although the two of you have very different styles, you're both very intelligent.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A friend could offer you valuable romantic advice. If you're drawn to someone who seems indifferent to your charms, look closer. There's a good chance they are shy about expressing their feelings. To make headway with them you need to make the first move. Fortunately, you have no compunction about wearing your heart on your sleeve. If you have a lover, urge your partner to pursue a cherished dream.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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