
You may lack the expertise to lead a group, which is frustrating. Instead of pretending to be an authority, take a back seat to somebody who really knows what he or she is talking about. By adopting a humble, open minded attitude, you'll win this person's respect. Don't be offended if you're asked to perform a job that seems beneath you. Your willingness to help will say volumes about your character, putting you in position for bigger and better assignments.

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Your physical needs may not be met, which causes tremendous frustration. It's true you're an extremely sensual person, and probably have a stronger sex drive than most, but that doesn't mean your desires aren't totally natural. Perhaps you just need to cultivate your powers of persuasion. Use your lovely speaking voice to tempt the object of your affection into bed. Persistence is the name of the game. You have more staying power than any other sign in the zodiac.

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Getting noticed by someone you admire could be an elusive goal. It looks as if this person is too wrapped up in personal troubles to consider anyone else. At times like these, you need to be good to yourself. Give yourself the validation you crave, whether it's treating yourself to a fancy gadget or buying a new outfit. Nothing boosts your self esteem like investing in your own happiness. Make a purchase that really speaks to your soul. You deserve it!

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Guard your health by avoiding junk food and sedentary pursuits. A nutritious breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be supplemented with a brisk walk. If you feel you're coming down with a cold, go home early and crawl into bed. Pushing your body over the limit could have disastrous results. Don't be afraid to call in sick if you're under the weather. If you won't do it for your own well being, do it for the sake of your colleagues.

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It's hard not to be impatient with a young person today. Could you ever have been this naive and selfish? Well, the truthful answer is yes. Cut your friend some slack, even if it means ignoring some rather outrageous behaviour. There's a good chance that this kid is just trying to get your attention. Bestow it by praising the things he or she is doing right. You may have to grasp at straws to find anything positive, but it can be done.

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Old memories are coming to the surface, interfering with the image you currently want to project. Don't be ashamed of mistakes you made in the past. They were learning opportunities that brought you to the next level of consciousness. Believe it or not, everybody has a few skeletons in their closet. Ask forgiveness from those who were negatively affected, then vow to do better. Beating yourself up will only compound the problem, and will also keep you stuck in the past.

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Things won't move quickly enough to suit you, but there's really nothing to remedy the situation. You may be forced to submit work late or reschedule an important appointment. The people who are relying on you won't be very happy about the situation, so it's up to you to do some public relations. Yes, it's not your fault this problem has occurred, but by taking responsibility for the delay, you'll win an element of respect. Playing the blame game is a losing proposition.

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Don't confuse the amount of money in your bank account with your personal worth or you will feel you're always lacking, even if you're extremely wealthy. There's no amount of property can ever fill your emotional and spiritual needs. If you want to boost your self esteem, work on a creative project, do some volunteer work, or overcome a bad habit. You'll respect yourself much more if you work to help yourself and others. Listen to your heart.

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You feel strongly about a particular issue, but your boss may not share this concern. The only thing you can do is stress the importance of the issue and move on. It may be a good idea to back up your statements in writing. That way, if disaster ensues, you will be on record as having opposed a certain line of action. As it currently stands, though, you may have no other choice but to accept your leader's decision.

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Don't panic if you've got a creative block. The best thing to do in this circumstance is occupy yourself with some mundane task. Doing gardening, laundry, or grocery shopping can spur a brilliant idea. If inspiration continues to elude you, try not to force the issue. Your imagination will come through in good time. It's possible that you just need a chance to restock your idea pond. Turn a deaf ear to an anxious lover who thinks you're not working hard enough.

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Leading a large group has its drawbacks, which you're about to learn today. It feels like nobody is satisfied with your rulings, but you have yet to hear an alternate idea that has more merit. Instead of caving in to pressure, let an unpopular decision stand. In time, you'll win the public's respect for standing your ground. When in doubt, be conservative with the group's resources. This is not a good time to buy expensive equipment or pay lavish salaries.

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Unfavourable attention could cause considerable embarrassment. Apologise for your mistakes, but refuse to take the fall for circumstances that were beyond your control. Your family could be indirectly affected by this turn of events. At times like these, you need to explain the situation as honestly as possible, and then ask for their support. Don't try to sugar coat the unpleasant aspects of the situation. This will just put your loved ones in a more difficult position.

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