
Avoid buying, selling or anything expensive today but make merry tonight. A common-sense approach toward money enables you to afford things that provide long-term security. Forget about the flashy status symbols and latest gadgets. You're better off taking a look at your daily routine, and then decide which items would best save you time, aggravation and work. If you've got your eye on a luxury purchase, save up for it gradually. It will seem more special when you pay cash for it.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You're very moody during the day but tonight you begin to see the light. A deep desire to further your education could overwhelm you. You think everybody is moving ahead, while you're stuck in one place. Part of the reason for this is because you're reluctant to make changes. Throw caution to the wind and sign up for a class that sounds interesting, alternatively buy a book that adds to your knowledge. Don't worry about whether it will leave you with valuable skills or if the subject is too obscure. Just enjoy.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're getting the wrong vibes telepathically, stick to logic if you want to make the right choice. Secret communications make you wonder about enigmatic subjects like sex and life after death. Sometimes you wonder if, at the end of your existence, you'll be happy with the choices you made. If you sense the answer is 'no,' it's time to make a change. Cast off any outmoded relationships or arrangements that are holding you back from your dreams. Sometimes the most irresponsible decision can also be the most rewarding one.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A female friend gets on your wick; stick to bright young things for fun tonight. You're interested in what makes another person tick, but you can't quite get a handle on them. Perhaps the reason that this character's behaviour is so incomprehensible is that you're projecting your own needs onto them. Try looking at life through their eyes for a change. Maybe you'll gain some insight into your own actions, as well as to their psyche. In life, you attract people who are supposed to teach you lessons.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Not a good day to be working so if you can escape and relax then please do so. You're concerned about your health, worrying that you've been indulging too much or going overboard with the wrong things. Set small but reasonable goals for yourself over the next month. For instance, you can arrange to exercise twice a week now, and then increase your workouts to four sessions by this time in March. Totally revamping your lifestyle all at once is too much for your spirit to handle. Wade into the jacuzzi bit by bit.

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Travel today is full of pitfalls if you have to make a journey wait until late in the day. Talking with children can give you a new lease on life; their youthful optimism is so refreshing. Lately, you've surrounded yourself with folks who have all sorts of reasons why dreams can't be realised. It's possible that their attitude has poisoned your own thinking. Remove yourself from this environment and bask in the 'can do' attitude of younger people. Pretty soon, you'll see possibilities where you once saw brick walls.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Sexual games are being played laced with emotional blackmail, stay free and single tonight. Solving domestic and family problems will be a cinch after you open the table to suggestions. Give everybody the chance to speak, and resist the urge to shoot down people's ideas from the outset. The more you draw folks out, the easier it will be to find compromises. Relinquishing control is half the battle when dealing with a touchy/feely group like this. Stop imposing your expectations onto others.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A close relationship goes better if there is no emotional tie but is simply a business arrangement. Getting involved with a writing or research project can help alleviate stress. You were blessed with a great deal of curiosity. When your mind isn't engaged in discovering the 'hows' and 'whys' of a situation, you become depressed and irritable. It doesn't matter how small or silly your endeavour is, just so long as it engages you. What seemed like an insignificant wee hobby could grow into a full-fledged passion.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Watch out for digestive fluid or women's complaints, your health needs some TLC. This is an okay day to assess your life vision and find a way to finance it. It's a bad idea to postpone your favourite activities for a time when you'll have more time and money to enjoy them. Taking small but significant steps toward leading your ideal lifestyle will make it seem more like a reality and less like a crazy fantasy. What's stopping you from saving for a trip or joining a sports club?

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Enjoy yourself without the responsibility of kids or old folks - you need space. Having a no-nonsense image is boring and defeating, so why continue with it? Deep down inside, you've got an earthy sensuality that is just begging to come out. Don't be afraid to cast aside your sensible suit for a sexier outfit today. You'll walk taller and bask in the glow of everyone's admiration by power dressing. No matter what your position or role, it's natural to remember your physical side at all times.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're not crazy about family or domestic ties today so slacken them as quick as you can. Deliberating on creative projects comes naturally to you, as your subconscious is firing on every cylinder. It's up to you to obey these instincts and express them in some interesting fashion. Folks who insist they are not artistic are really suppressing their imagination. By inviting your inner child to come out and play, you'll see how profound your artistic side really is. Stop listening to those inner gremlins they're just there to irritate and upset - now when has that ever stopped you!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A vindictive, spiteful female should be banned from your life; she is motivated by envy. Pursuing an interest in occult or esoteric matters appeals to your psychic side. You have a strong suspicion that there is more to life than just the physical plane. By studying subjects like astrology, ESP and telekinesis, you'll gain a greater understanding of your own hidden powers. Sure, some may scoff at your studies, but the majority of your friends will be fascinated by your findings. Perhaps you're on your way toward being a guru, medium or healer?

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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