
You'll be able to earn a little extra money, which is a welcome turn of events. You've had your eye on a tempting luxury item for some time now. By accepting this job, you'll be able to buy it. Your purchase will give you long term pleasure, which is ideal. Don't hesitate to spend a little extra on quality merchandise. There's nothing wrong with investing in your own happiness. Luckily, this moneymaking venture will lead to more assignments. Put a portion of each payment into savings.

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Someone will offer you help. It's important to accept it. Letting pride get in the way of your wellbeing is silly. We're here to help one another. You've often gone out of your way to assist others. Now the Universe is thanking you for your kind and generous heart. Treat this situation as an exercise in humility. So many people who are struggling are just victims of bad luck. You're no exception. Be a little more compassionate towards yourself.

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You're in a good financial position, so enjoy it. Relaxing and enjoying some leisure time will recharge your batteries. If you feel compelled to stay busy, resist the temptation. Constantly running around will make you exhausted and irritable. The reason you work so hard is to protect yourself from scarcity. Now you have a comfortable financial cushion, you can take things down a notch. Don't make the mistake of becoming a workaholic; there's nothing more boring.

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Slowly but surely, you're developing your creative talent. The results are impressive. Soon you'll have an opportunity to get paid for your handiwork. This is good news. You're not the type who can simply work for the money. You need a career that has great personal meaning. Fortunately, your friends understand this. Instead of denigrating your work, they applaud it. This is incredibly helpful at times of doubt. By leaning on them, you'll be able to reach heights you never imagined.

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Lots of changes are coming your way. You're busy trying to maintain a semblance of sanity at work. Not surprisingly, you are doing a good job. You've always been able to focus on the tasks at hand, refusing to get distracted by sudden upheavals. This sets an example for others to follow. A loved one is in need of your brand of down to earth common sense and optimism. When they feel down in the dumps you are the ideal person to buck them up and put a smile on their face.

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You're making a fresh start and it feels terrific. Venturing into unfamiliar territory will bring welcome intellectual stimulation. You'll enjoy learning a trade, mastering a foreign language or taking up a musical instrument. If you stay focused, you'll be able to earn money as an artisan, teacher or coach. It may be necessary to take a long distance trip to further your studies. Don't make excuses for staying home. Friends can watch your house, pets and plants while you're away.

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Indulge your love of the arts. Everything you do should not involve making money. Having a life outside your career is critical to your wellbeing. Even if you do work in a creative arena, it's important to have hobbies you pursue for sheer pleasure. When painting, reading and handicrafts feel like a waste of time, you need an attitude adjustment. Join forces with an artistic friend if you need encouragement. Together, you can create something of lasting beauty.

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You've finally achieved financial security and it feels wonderful. Use this opportunity to plan a long distance trip you've been yearning to take. Getting a change of scenery will prompt you to make some important changes to your personal life. You're tired of wasting time on toxic individuals who make you unhappy. Make it your mission to surround yourself with supportive friends who understand your needs and love you unconditionally. You deserve nothing less than the best.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your career is going extremely well. You will get a raise, promotion or both as recognition for a job well done. If you've been unemployed, you'll find a terrific position that puts you before the public. Helping people in practical ways gives you a lot of satisfaction. You've never embraced the 'one size fits all' approach to customers. Instead, you work hard to find the perfect solution to each person's needs. That's what sets you apart from the crowd.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You will not be hurried by an anxious loved one. Taking your time will attract good luck. Someone who admires your grace under pressure will do you a favour that makes life much easier. Remember to stand firm in the face of pressure. Few people are able to take advantage of you. That's because you're not reactive; you're introspective. When demands are placed on you, you never jump into action. Instead, you reflect on what's being asked and patiently decide whether it's worth the effort.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Anything you want is worth the wait. It may take a few years before you land your dream position. Instead of giving up on your goal, take small steps each day to reach it. Earning an advanced degree, serving as an apprentice or acting as a volunteer can pave the way to success. Critics will accuse you of wasting your time. Don't listen to their discouraging words. If you stay focused, you'll eventually land a great position that is the envy of all your friends.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your patience with a loved one pays off. A close friend or romantic partner is suffering from sadness. By gently encouraging them to go out and have some fun, their zest for life will eventually return. Don't press an invitation when you encounter strong resistance. By respecting their boundaries, your friend will eventually let down their defences and follow your lead. You're sensitive to their problem because it has been one you've encountered. Kindness and compassion will do the trick.

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