
Be practical about your workload. If you're schedule is packed with projects, turn down other assignments. Greedily taking everything that comes your way will be serious cause for regret. It's important for you to have some leisure time between jobs. Hurling yourself from one chore to another will make you tired and ineffectual. Do yourself a favour and take a break. If you don't, you run the risk of burnout. The last thing you want is to develop a stress related illness.

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Steering a friendship into romantic waters is a mistake. If you're looking for love, seek it with someone new. Join an online dating portal. Create a profile that is intriguing. You can be clear about your needs without boring people to death. If you're not sure how to sell yourself, talk to an outgoing Gemini or Libra. They'll help you get the attention of people who are looking for a serious commitment. You're tired of playing games with flirts who have no intention of settling.

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Spending time with family helps soothe your ragged nerves. Recently, you've been pouring your energy into a demanding work assignment. Working without a break has exhausted you. Retreating from public view will be therapeutic. Let your family give you tender loving care. Enjoying home cooked meals and movie marathons will remind you why you are toiling away in the first place. Having a rewarding personal life feeds your professional success. Never take your relatives for granted.

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It's time to speak up. If you're not happy with the terms of a deal, say so. Propose alternatives. There's a chance the other party will not change their position. Don't be afraid to walk away from this proposal. Although there will be a temporary gap in your schedule, you'll be able to fill it with activities you love. A better job will be offered as you put the finishing touches on a home improvement project. Gardening, painting or building furniture will be a welcome distraction.

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You'll be able to attract a moneymaking opportunity. This job won't be easy, but it will be creatively fulfilling. Make sure you get paid up front. Unless you are on a regular pay schedule, it will be difficult to cover your bills. A child is clamouring for an expensive gift. It's frustrating to crush their dreams. When you finally do have enough money saved for this present, the desire for it will vanish into thin air. Adopt a more balanced attitude towards money.

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All eyes are on you. It's nice to bask in the spotlight, but you're afraid how your newfound fame affects a loved one. Make sure to praise your best friend or romantic partner whenever possible. You haven't achieved this level of success on your own. With the help of your nearest and dearest, you've been able to produce impressive work. When you give credit where it is due, you strengthen your relationship. You'll also pave the way for a happier and healthier alliance.

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You're ready to make a fresh start. A toxic environment will prompt you to make changes to your daily routine. This could involve anything from leaving your job, finding a new place to live or undertaking a healthy practice. When you feel overwhelmed, make a list of three simple things you can do to make changes. This will make you feel more empowered. You may not be able to transform your life overnight, but you will be able to make improvements in small, meaningful ways.

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It's time to go after a cherished dream, even if it has been elusive. Although you're gifted, you have a tendency to neglect your strengths. Take this opportunity to practice each day. When you make more time for the activities you love, you'll cultivate the success. There isn't a lot of money in the budget to buy expensive supplies, but that won't be a problem for you. Obey your instincts and salvage cast off materials. Restoring discarded items to their original beauty will save money and stimulate your intellect.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A long term goal is within reach. Go ahead and run for office, apply for a promoted position or assume leadership of a club. People appreciate your enthusiastic approach to life. Even when times are tough, you manage to boost morale and bring out the best in the team. Make sure to emphasise this quality during the interview process. By projecting energy and optimism, you'll be offered the plum position you desire. Don't be afraid to move up the ladder to success.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Dealing with people from all walks of life is stimulating. In some cases, you aren't able to see eye to eye with those from different cultural backgrounds. That's fine. Having different values shouldn't interfere with these relationships. During times of trial, you'll gain comfort from talking to people who see your problems in a totally different light. When you feel like you've been backed into a corner, talk to somebody who isn't held captive to the same vices. Their advice will be liberating.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A joint business venture or financial investment is worth pursuing. Before signing a cheque or agreeing to a loan, do some research into this particular proposal. If you think this will be a get rich quick scheme, you're wrong. You can become successful, but it will take time and patience. When it comes to building wealth, slow and steady wins the race. If everybody else is contributing larger amounts of money than you, that's their problem. Your first priority is protecting your own interests.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It's time to take a fresh approach to love. You've always looked at relationships through rose tinted glasses. It's important to adopt a more realistic view. Once you accept your partner's weaknesses, their strengths will become more evident. You're attached to someone who admires your creativity. This helps you to develop your skills and spend more time on the projects you love. If your amour isn't as romantic as you'd like, don't fret. You can always satisfy your taste for enchantment through art.

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