
Trust your intuition when it comes to creative projects. You're a lot more imaginative than people realise. You have a great feel for style and colour. Painting, photography, film, and fashion are some avenues worth exploring. Don't bother explaining your new hobby to confused colleagues. Some people will only do work for money. The happiest keep busy for love. Join the ranks of the second group. You're too intelligent to let your natural gifts lay dormant.

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Mixing and mingling with creative types fuels your own imagination. You're tired of doing the same boring chores day after day. You long to create something of beauty and harmony, but aren't sure where to begin. Why not head for a craft shop and see what captures your fancy? As an earth sign, you like working with tactile materials like clay, fibre, and wood. Stock up on whatever captures your fancy and then let yourself play. Pretty soon, an exciting project will take shape.

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Venturing down a glamorous career path will be rewarding. You're not interested in pursuing a humdrum job, just to pay the bills. You want to travel, turn heads, and inspire action. Whether you're digging wells for people in impoverished countries or doing publicity for movies is immaterial. The important thing is to find a job that captivates your imagination, and makes you excited to get out of bed. Serving as an apprentice or intern might be a necessary stepping stone.

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You may be toying with the idea of going back to the classroom, and why not? Becoming an expert in your desired field will be a labour of love. It will also improve your job prospects. You may be very busy, but you can always rearrange your schedule to accommodate this change of direction. If money is an issue, you can always apply for grants and scholarships. The key is to distinguish yourself from the other applicants. Emphasise your unique experiences and attitudes.

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You radiate sex appeal, and will have no trouble getting people to do your bidding. It's just a matter of flashing that irresistible smile. Both men and women are susceptible to your charm. You'll notice people from all walks of life going out of their way to accommodate you. Take this opportunity to apply for a loan, grant, or scholarship. If you're in a committed relationship, ask your amour to do something special on your behalf. The sky is the limit!

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Waiting on your best friend or lover is a good outlet for your restless energy. You enjoy making others feel comfortable and pampered. Making their favourite meals, arranging a special entertainment, or organising a social gathering are all ways to demonstrate your love. A positive and productive exchange of ideas, views and values will help you make your position clear to someone you trust and it will also help you to understand yourself and what motivates you.

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If you're looking for work, it may be best to volunteer at your desired place of employment. There's no better way to demonstrate your talent and dedication. Besides, this will give you a chance to test the waters before committing to a paying position. You may discover you don't like this kind of work after all. Alternatively, you could become even more determined to get a job at this place, once you've had a taste of its office culture.

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You're in a playful mood, and try to make a game out of everything you do. Fortunately, your enthusiasm is infectious, and you won't have any problem finding playmates. An exciting romance is captivating your imagination. The two of you share a passion for candlelit dinners, walks in the moonlight, and passionate embraces in front of the fireplace. If you're in a relationship, you should do everything in your power to realise one of your amour's fantasies.

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Retreating from the pressure of public life comes as a relief. Go ahead and enjoy some quiet time at home. Let your friends and family pamper you with comfort food and kind gestures. Normally, you loathe being babied. After experiencing a series of hardships, you want tender loving care. There's no harm in wanting to be handled with kid gloves. We all experience rough times. When this happens, take things down a notch to recover.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You inspire faith and optimism wherever you go. Ordinarily, you're mired in the practical aspects of life. Recently you've taken a loftier view of things. Making the world a better place is your first priority. Raising money for a good cause, fighting on behalf of the underdog, or protecting the environment give you a sense of purpose. You're sure to meet some lovely people as a result of these good works. Not everyone is acting out of purely selfish motives.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Money plays very little importance in your life. As far as you're concerned, it's a means to keep yourself fed, clothed, and warm. Still, you can't deny you have a few material desires. Time saving gadgets and tools related to your hobby are always catching your eye. If you think creatively, you could work out a way to work with someone with similar skills. Keep your personal information under lock and key; identity theft is running rampant.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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There's an elusive, mysterious quality about you that is incredibly alluring. Don't be surprised if invitations and offers start flooding in. While you're flattered to be in demand, you feel a little sorry for your fans. That's because your heart belongs to just one person. You're so attuned to each other that you can read each other's thoughts without saying a word. If you're single, you'll meet someone special at a fundraiser or humanitarian organisation.

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