
Finding more intellectual stimulation could be your primary goal today. Hosting a lively dinner party or watching a challenging documentary may be refreshing. It's not enough to go from home to work to home again. You need materials that will challenge your ideas and provide relief from the daily grind. Some relatives may not share your desire for this kind of stimulation, but try not to take it personally. They're probably just trying to recover from the festive fun and frolics.

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It feels like your creativity isn't appreciated in the workplace. Your boss may not be particularly impressed by a bright idea. Part of the reason this is so disappointing is you've had a recent string of successes. Give yourself permission to mourn this failure. It's possible you can develop your idea independently. That way, when it does take off, victory will be especially sweet. A female relative may not be respectful of your beliefs. Stand in your own defence.

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If you're arguing with a business partner or lover, consider the problem from their perspective. You've always been adept at putting yourself in other people's shoes. When you do this, you're able to smooth out the kinks in virtually any relationship. You'll have to be the one to tackle the problem, as your friend would rather pretend nothing is wrong. Don't sweep this issue under the carpet, though, or a growing distrust could develop.

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Nothing you do or say wins a beloved's approval. In fact, it seems as though this person is deliberately trying to find fault with you. Instead of striving even harder to please your amour, put some distance between you. Your intuition is your gift. If you keep going against your hunches, you'll slowly give away your power. Seek out people who appreciate your gentle leadership skills, and let them praise you to the heavens.

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Getting your house in order gives you a sense of purpose and accomplishment. You may feel a strong urge to rid your surroundings of materials that no longer reflect your interests. Giving these items to friends satisfies your generous nature. Before you fill up all the empty spaces, enjoy leading a minimalist lifestyle. You may be surprised at how much happier you are without lots of possessions to weigh you down.

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Life may not feel very fun today, which makes you sulky and resentful. It feels as though there's never time for the things you really love to do. Instead of working your way through another series of chores, force yourself to enjoy some free time. This will seem remarkably decadent to your taskmaster subconscious, but it's important to make pleasure a priority. After all, there will always be shelves to dust and papers to file, but opportunities to laugh need to be seized.

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Try not to be overprotective of a family member who is trying to break out of her shell. You may feel like she's putting herself in the path of disaster. Even if she is, it's important to let her make this mistake. If she proves you wrong, offer an immediate apology, along with a congratulatory gift. Let her victory inspire you to conquer a paralysing fear. The more generous you are with others, the happier you'll be.

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Loyalty to your employer could be rewarded. These days, people flit from one institution to another, going wherever the pay is best. You're willing to build relationships over time, which is a rare gift. Your boss may pay you a compliment in the form of a raise, promotion, or perk. Some of your colleagues think you're too devoted to your boss, and worry that you'll eventually be punished for it. They don't realise you value different things than they do.

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Your honesty towards a love interest is most alluring. Instead of telling this person what he or she wants to hear, you say what is in their best interest. The fact that your friend is able to take your comments in the right spirit bodes well for your relationship. Unfortunately, romances are built on a series of deceptions. You don't want someone to flatter your ego; you want someone who challenges your assumptions. Looks like this could be a match made in heaven.

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Your fear of public embarrassment could be realised today. If someone makes a rude remark, call attention to it, rather than retreating to a corner. A terse rebuke will throw your critic off guard and give you a renewed sense of dignity. Too often, people mistake your excellent manners as your Achilles heel. This is your big chance to prove them wrong. Just because you believe in being polite doesn't mean you'll overlook people's bad behaviour. Insist on civility from everyone.

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You're very sympathetic to a woman who is trying to express her spiritual side. Other people are prone to mock her attempts to find satisfaction in seemingly strange ways, but you think her actions are admirable. Encouraging this lady's efforts will help you get in touch with your own spiritual core. It's ridiculous to pretend life only exists on the physical plane. Find out what people, places, and activities feed your soul.

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If you want to attract prosperity, start focusing on what you have, instead of what you want. When you obsess on what you lack, the Universe becomes a hard, unyielding place. Conversely, when you treat the world as a source of endless abundance, you start attracting wealth beyond your wildest dreams. This wealth could come in the form of money, help, love, and support. Get into the habit of giving thanks for the blessings you usually take for granted.

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