
You're just not in the mood to spend your valuable free time on chores. Unfortunately, getting behind on housework will put a damper on your social life. Friends could drop by unexpectedly, causing you great embarrassment. Alternatively, having no food in the house will force you to eat out, which will put a big dent on your budget. Bite the bullet and stock up on essentials.

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Don't waste your resources on luxuries; you've got to save your money for staples. A few unexpected bills will force you to tighten your belt. Resist the urge to buy a child's affection. Of course your young friend wants the latest toys and gadgets. As the adult, you need to impose limits on their possessions or the kid will grow up with a sense of entitlement. A friend could beg you for a loan. Be prepared to refuse, as giving her money will enable a bad habit.

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Relatives may not show you much sympathy. Maybe it's because they feel you've brought all of your problems on yourself. If you're looking for work, it may be necessary to take a job beneath your educational level. There's nothing shameful about earning. If you keep your ear to the ground, you'll hear of better opportunities. In the meantime you've got to keep up with your bills.

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Although you hate disappointing others, you've got to set limits on your time. Agreeing to everything your siblings and neighbours ask is putting a serious crimp on your lifestyle. You need to free up your schedule, even if it means telling your friends you can no longer perform errands and favours for them. At first, they'll be furious and may even accuse you of being selfish. Don't waste energy defending yourself, it won't work.

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Cutting back on your expenses is essential, or your loved ones will pay for your extravagance. Resist the urge to put more charges to your credit cards. Instead, focus on paying these bills off. Living within your means isn't easy for a luxury loving person like you. However, practicing restraint will give you a renewed sense of power. If you can survive on a shoestring, you can accomplish anything. Enlist the aid of a financially savvy business or romantic partner.

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Heaping yourself with criticism isn't helping you make changes. If you really want to improve your appearance, you need to take action. Go to the gym, amend your diet, and update your wardrobe. Don't punish yourself by dressing in drab colours or ill fitting garments. You can find flattering clothing, no matter what your size. By treating yourself gently but firmly, you can accomplish your goals. You must turn a deaf ear to the inner critic that has been making you unhappy.

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Dwelling on the worst case scenario of a neighbourhood problem is making you miserable. Stop falling prey to your fears. By adopting a positive attitude, you'll be able to make the best of a difficult situation. A solution is possible, but only if you're willing to enact a compromise. If you continue to stick to your guns, you'll suffer health problems. Normally, you have no trouble seeing all sides of a particular issue, but this situation is proving the exception to the rule.

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It feels as though you are being wilfully misunderstood. Stop trying to defend your decisions. If the people involved are fair, they'll pause to consider your point of view. If they don't listen to your side, you'll know they weren't good friends, anyway. Be more selective about the company you keep. A hot and bothered lover may be trying to rush the physical aspect of your relationship. You're just not comfortable with making this level of commitment yet.

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Your reputation could suffer if you don't control your temper, especially when rivals bait you. Stop trying to justify your behaviour. The truth is people will find it hard to trust you if you're continually getting in arguments. Maybe the problem rests with how your family dealt with problems. Whether your parents repressed anger or unleashed it, you've got to break the cycle. Explore other ways to cope with frustration. It can be done, but it takes practice and determination.

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You may not be able to get the training you need to move forward professionally. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, formulate a new plan. Switching industries or channelling your energy into creative projects can be helpful. Maybe you aren't meant to follow a particular career path. Starting your own business or pursuing a more creative industry are among the possibilities. Pay no attention to an excessive worrier who wants you to keep beating a dead horse. Be ready to venture into the unknown.

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Separating from someone who has had a negative influence on your thinking is difficult. Yes, this person has helped you in the past, but their gloomy attitude is causing more harm than good. Be honest about why you're stepping away from this relationship. Maybe this is just the wake up call your friend needs to reform. A source of income could suddenly come to an end. You need to formulate a plan B for paying your bills. Working for a non profit organisation is a good alternative.

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Don't let a close friend, business partner, or lover put the blame on you for their problems. You can't take responsibility for their behaviour. Yes, you want to relieve your friend of pain, but it won't help your relationship to be the fall guy. Be prepared to express your anger in a calm, collected way or your comments will be swept under the rug and your problems will continue. It's up to you to be the adult here. Hold firm to your principles.

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