
You develop your best ideas when you're working as part of a group. Although your vision is bold, it can be impractical. People who have experience turning dreams into realities can be helpful. Be open to their suggestions. Try not to take offense when members of the team question your proposals. They're trying to make your concepts marketable. In exchange, you can lend a dash of glamour and modernity to stuffier notions. It's a win-win proposition.

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Meeting with a career counsellor can be helpful. Having a long range plan will keep you focused and productive. If you're not satisfied with your current position, it's time to set some new goals. This may mean moving into another industry, looking for a better job or asking for a promotion. There's no reason you have to accept the status quo. Taking a proactive approach to your professional life will impress an authority figure. Make your intentions known and prepare to advance.

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Learning something new fills you with pleasure. Your studies don't have to be related to your work. You might enjoy them more if they have nothing to do with your professional life. Loved ones may wonder why you're taking the trouble to expand your knowledge base. You don't owe them any explanations. People will be less likely to ask invasive questions when you establish healthy boundaries. You have every right to tell nosy parkers to mind their own business.

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Don't accept claims at face value. By doing a little digging, you will discover the truth. It's important to know the difference between a sales pitch and the facts. Having the right information allows you to make effective decisions. If you suspect someone has a crush on you, you're probably right. Be direct with them. The sooner you put your cards on the table, the faster you'll be able to move this relationship forward. You've never taken pleasure in cat and mouse games.

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Having a heart to heart talk with your best friend will be productive. It's important to air some grievances in a calm, logical manner. There's a good chance your loved one is completely unaware of the problem. By describing how their behaviour is affecting you, it will be possible to resolve the conflict. Don't resort to name calling or shaming. Nothing positive comes from such tactics. Think back to a time when someone brought a problem to your attention in a diplomatic way.

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The pace is picking up at your job. Fortunately, you are up to the task. Juggling several tasks at once is easy for you. Make sure you don't take on more than is fair. It's important that your colleagues pull their weight. If you see any inequities, ask for a raise. There's no reason you should produce double the work for the same amount of money. Are you unemployed? You will get a job offer very soon. Working for a bureaucratic agency will be more fun than you expect.

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Put work aside in favour of play. You're a whimsical person who needs spontaneity to be happy. When forced to do drudge work each day, you become sullen. Do your loved ones a favour and take some time off work. If anyone dares accuse you of being lazy, set them straight. You're incredibly productive when you're working. The best way to fuel that productivity is to take frequent breaks. If anyone doesn't like it, invite them to review your work.

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Discuss a proposal with your family. They'll have valuable insight on the strength of your ideas. There may be details you haven't considered. Be open to adjusting plans to accommodate a youngster or a romantic partner. If you're on your own, you might decide to relocate. Moving to a place with attractive architecture can be uplifting. Never underestimate the impact of physical surroundings on your mood. It's easy to be cheerful when you encounter beauty each day.

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Taking a short trip will be a welcome change of pace. You're tired of talking to the same people all the time. You should head for a nearby city or village that has always piqued your interest. You might instantly fall in love. Take advantage of a park or garden where you can satisfy your love of people watching. You will see an exchange that inspires a song, story or screenplay. Even the most stubborn creative blocks will yield when you focus on new things.

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Trust your sensations. If you don't like the way a place looks, sounds or smells, stay away. Your physical perceptions are strong and serve as a good guide. Others may claim you are being of oversensitive, but just ignore these claims. Suppressing your impulses can get you in trouble. The opportunity to make more money is here. Ask for a raise, increase your prices or accept a more lucrative job. Having a bigger income will allow you to indulge your love of luxury.

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You should think things through carefully before making a commitment. If you want to get an advanced degree, find the program that is right for you. A prestigious university may not have the appropriate courses. Be willing to explore other options. It would be a shame to let preconceptions inhibit your education. A business trip is looming. Doing plenty of research on your destination so you know where to shop, eat and visit will make your visit much more pleasant.

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You should keep plans to yourself. The last thing you want is for some cynic to rain on your parade. You have a chance to make a dramatic transformation. Working by stealth will be exciting. Everyone will be astonished when you reach your goal. If you have a diary, keep it in a safe place where nobody can read it. A well intentioned relative could be deeply hurt by what you've written. That's not your fault; these thoughts and words were never meant for public consumption.

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