
Spending time by yourself will be pleasurable. You're a very sociable creature. The company of friends is rewarding, but it can also cloud your thinking. A little solitude will put you back in touch with your inner voice. Stop letting others influence your decisions. You have an opportunity to put a creative plan into motion. Instead of waiting for everyone else's approval, follow your instincts. It's the only way to achieve the pure, unvarnished effect you want.

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Joining a club or professional organisation is a good plan. It's important to confer with people who share your hobbies and concerns. If you're thinking of making a career change, seek out people who are in your desired industry. They can give valuable insight about what this work involves. If you play your cards right, one of your new friends can alert you to a job opening at their company. Never underestimate the importance of social networking. It can put you on the path to success.

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A creative pastime is worth investigating. You've been blessed with considerable talent. From carpentry to knitting or baking to building you should be busy. You might find you can turn this into a small money making venture. There is a big demand for your work and whether it's a hobby, a craft or your profession you should be paid accordingly. A legal matter will come to a successful conclusion. Spend any money you've won on a long trip overseas. You will benefit from a change of scenery.

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Consider launching a self improvement programme. You're ready to leave a toxic habit behind. Devoting time and energy to the activities you love is critical. Household pursuits make you happy and fulfilled. Don't apologise for wanting to be a stay at home parent or domestic deity. If you're contemplating a job change, think of one that involves catering, decorating or household help. You are being given the motivation to change. Ditch unrewarding relationships or an unfulfilling job.

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Making financial arrangements for the long term future is strongly advised. Opening a savings or retirement account will give you peace of mind. You may not be able to contribute much at first, but that will soon change. The important thing is to get into the habit of putting a portion of each paycheque into savings. After a few weeks, you won't even notice the deductions. You might want to meet with a financial manager to set some goals.

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Entering into a business alliance is strongly advised. Alone, you won't be able to cover much ground. Having an investor or partner will make it easier to meet the needs of customers. Do you work for a company? Start collaborating with an artistic colleague. You'll be able to turn their concepts into products and services. It will be fun to see your name on such impressive work. Are you an artist? Think about hiring a manager or agent. This will allow you to focus on developing your craft.

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The pace of daily life will become more hectic. That's what happens when word spreads of your talent. Suddenly, everybody wants your help. Be selective about which offers you accept. You're tired of working with hypercritical executives who don't know what they want. Hitch your star to a fellow visionary instead. After a few preliminary talks, you'll be able to intuit their needs and create something that exceeds their expectations. This job will pave the way for bigger and better assignments.

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Arranging a romantic evening will be exciting. Make sure your plans reflect your partner's tastes and interests. If you're not sure how to proceed, approach someone with similar preferences. They'll give you valuable tips on what to plan, where to eat and what to wear. Are you single? You could meet someone interesting when you're out and about around the town. Don't wait for other people to make the first move. You'll have to be the assertive one in this relationship.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Looking back on the past will be enlightening. Now you're older, you see relatives in a different light. This revelation will cause you to make some changes in your own life. Being more nurturing to your loved ones will be easier. Instead of insisting on everyone to do their fair share, assign jobs on the basis of individual strengths and weaknesses. There's no point setting people up for failure. Are you thinking of buying a property, now would be a good time to make a bid.

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This is a good time to invest in technical equipment and appliances. You could find a great deal on a gadget you'll use every day. When it comes to comparing brands, choose reliability over style. You'll be using this item regularly over a long period of time. Going with an eye catching model that will quickly break will be a waste of valuable resources. A short trip for pleasure is in the cards. You'll have fun exploring a neighbourhood known for its quirky artistic character.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Signing a deal will pave the way for financial security. It will be nice to have an additional stream of income. Put as much of this money into an interest earning investment. Soon, you'll have enough for a deposit on a home or car. Are you unemployed? Volunteer for a charitable organisation that does work you respect. You'll quickly be offered a salaried position. Your organisational skills and positive attitude will be decided assets. Make the most of them.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're in demand and it's gratifying. In the past, people made fun of your dreamy idealism. Now they're treating it like an asset. Finding creative solutions to stubborn problems has always been one of your greatest gifts. If you've wanted to make a big change, take the first step now. Ask someone for a date, apply for an exciting job or look for a new home. Take control of your destiny. You have the power to build a happier, healthier future.

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