
Although you are among the most talented people in the organisation, you don't deserve special treatment. Do what is expected. Complaining about unreasonable rules will only cause your colleagues to resent you. Everybody has to operate under the same constraints. The sooner you accept this, the more productive you will become. Resist the urge to drown your sorrows. Drinking will sap your energy and compromise your health. Find a more constructive outlet for your frustrations.

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You're not interested in doing work, yet responsibilities continue to be heaped on your plate. Do what is expected, or you will create work for other members of your team. That simply isn't fair. Friends are anxious for you to join them on a fun jaunt. You'll be able to meet them once you finish a big assignment. Resist the urge to leave the office early. By focusing on your responsibilities, you'll finish them quickly. You are quite efficient when you block out distractions.

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Spending time with family may be boring, but you should make the sacrifice, anyway. Just because you have a glamorous job doesn't mean you can neglect the people who have helped you up the ladder of success. Take time out of your busy schedule to attend a birthday party, recital, or large gathering. It won't help to grumble throughout the proceedings. Assuming a cheerful attitude will cause your resentment to melt away, and you'll actually have a good time.

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Forcing your opinions onto others is a mistake. Although you have firm convictions, it will be impossible to covert people to your point of view. A particularly impractical member of your social circle is driving you to distraction. You're tired of hearing their misguided ideas, and long to set them straight with some hard facts. Unfortunately, the more stridently you make your case, the more stubborn this dreamer will become. It's better to make a strategic retreat. Don't worry; you'll eventually be vindicated.

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Spending lots of money won't impress anyone. In fact, it will prompt them to think you are irresponsible. If you want to win favour with a romantic interest, show off your creative flair. You are blessed with tremendous talent, especially when it comes to the visual arts. Painting, fashion design, sculpture, and sketching are all ways you can garner interest. Don't rush into a physical relationship just yet. It's more fun to enjoy each stage of your courtship, especially the beginning stages.

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You're extremely competitive, which is causing problems with someone who is close to your heart. Instead of criticising your loved one, praise their achievements. Encourage them to venture into new territory, and don't feel threatened if they try their hand at your favourite activities. If you want to test your abilities, enter a contest. This will be a good way to get constructive feedback. Be open to trying new methods. One experiment will lead to a remarkable breakthrough.

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Resist the urge to hide from problems, especially regarding your health. If you've been enduring a persistent pain, get a medical consultation. It's best to attend to these issues in the early stages, when treatment is fairly simple. Are you in good health? Then turn your attention to work. An impractical colleague is creating lots of headaches for you. Although you hate confrontation, you must tell your fellow worker how their irresponsible behaviour is affecting you. It's time to nip this problem in the bud.

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It's difficult working with a large group. You feel as if your contributions are being undermined by a bunch of muddle headed dreamers. No matter how strongly you insist on setting the agenda, they find ways to undermine your plans. You might want to think about embarking on a solo project, just to satisfy your creative urges. That way, it won't be so painful when you are forced to compromise in other areas of life.

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You hate being ordered around, but that's precisely what's happening now. Every time someone issues a command, you long to run for the safety of home. Resist this urge, as it will result in an untimely dismissal. By proving you are capable of doing what you are told, you will be given more satisfying assignments. Right now you have to pay your dues. This seems terribly unfair, except that others have had to go through similar trials. Keep things in perspective.

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Popular opinion will go against you. This comes as a shock, since you think of yourself as a very sympathetic figure. What you don't realise is that you are not attuned to the world around you. People see you as an authoritative, powerful figure who has control over their situation. Therefore, they're not terribly sorry when things go wrong for you. Resist the urge to complain and soldier on. It's the only way to get the respect you crave.

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You are being too demanding. Limited resources may stop you getting the care you deserve. Still, everyone else is suffering from the same problem. By demanding special treatment, you'll make others resentful. Things are stressful enough without a barrage of complaints. Accept the situation and find a pleasant distraction. If you have to wait in a long queue, bring some entertaining reading material, along with some snacks and drinking water. Bring the charger to your mobile, too.

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You're unsure whether you possess creative talent. A critical friend or lover has undermined your confidence. It's difficult to see your work objectively. If you're going to achieve the success you desire, you must turn a deaf ear to the negative comments that are eating away at your confidence. It's important to develop your talent and correct imperfections. Still, you have to maintain your enthusiasm for art, or it will all seem pointless. If you're not having fun with dancing, photography, painting, or writing, find another form of expression.

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