
Pay careful attention to your dreams. They are urging you to take another approach. It's sometimes difficult for a direct person like you to pick up on subtle messages. What seems like a promising offer is causing twinges in your stomach. That's a sign there is danger ahead. Instead of running towards the spotlight, explore a chance to work from behind the scenes. Being an intern or an assistant will be instructive. You'll acquire valuable skills that will enrich every area of life.

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When it comes to your love life, you can let your defences down. Tell your amour exactly what makes your pulse pound. They'll welcome the opportunity to take you to new heights of sensual satisfaction. Are you single? You'll meet someone special at a religious or cultural event. Don't expect the object of your affection to approach you. This shy individual needs you to take the lead. Walk up, introduce yourself and ask for their contact information. This will be the beginning of a beautiful new romance.

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The secret to your success is the ability to bring out the best in your team. Knowing how to motivate individuals causes them to overcome setbacks and reach new heights. Although you don't like being burdened with lots of professional responsibility, you do enjoy cultivating an atmosphere that is fun, creative and experimental. Work seems more like play when you are at the helm. Have you been contemplating a career change? The opportunity to land a position in your dream industry will soon arrive. Grab it.

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Publishing a book, going on an overseas trip or taking an advanced course of study are among the exciting possibilities available to you. The Universe is urging you to expand your horizons. You've been given heavy responsibilities and have handled them beautifully. Now it's time to do what you want, rather than following orders. Conservative friends will wring their hands and share their doubts when you reveal an exciting plan. Turn a deaf ear to their gloomy predictions.

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A passionate encounter feels like a fairy tale come to life. It feels wonderful being with someone who makes you forget mundane problems. When you're with your amour, it feels like anything is possible. The prospect of starting your own business, gaining traction in the entertainment industry or leading a life of luxury doesn't seem ridiculous at all. Summon your courage and move in the direction of a cherished dream. With the help of your partner, you'll manifest the fantasies you've kept locked in your heart.

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You'll cross paths with someone who will further your creative ambition. Let your friend introduce you to influential people in your desired field. Allow them to show your work to agents, managers, publishers and gallery owners. With their help, you'll gain the fame and acclaim you deserve. Don't be surprised if you're offered a job at a company known for its cutting-edge sensibilities. Although this position may involve a pay cut, it's worth taking. Work that fills you with joy is more precious than gold.

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A wonderful job offer is on the way. Working with creative people will enhance your own imagination. At first, you'll be intimidated by your talented colleagues. Instead of getting defensive, let them show you the ropes. You'll get the hang of things more quickly when you suspend judgement. If someone suggests trying a different technique, follow their advice. This simple change will allow you to perform more quickly and efficiently. You're entering a learning phase. Think of yourself as a student instead of a new employee.

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Your charisma is at an all-time high. Use it to attract a romantic partner. Are you already in a relationship? You can talk your amour into doing you a big favour. It doesn't matter if they've ignored this request in the past; they're like putty in your hands now. Creative blocks have a way of dissolving into thin air. If you've been struggling with a project, stop trying to find a solution. Simply let yourself experiment with art supplies. Your subconscious will help you make something of compelling beauty.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're a little more sensitive than usual. Don't be surprised when you feel the urge to go through photo albums, sort through family mementoes and call distant relatives. Connecting with your past will make you realise just how far you've come. A part of you longs for those simpler days, when you had a whole array of choices. Stop telling yourself you are now condemned to a certain way of life. Your horizons will expand when you shed what you no longer need.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Take time away from responsibilities and let your imagination run wild. Give yourself permission to have fun with art supplies. Painting with watercolours, sculpting with modelling clay or stringing beads together will trigger a powerful breakthrough. You've always prided yourself on being a no-nonsense person. This keeps you from fully developing your creative skills. When you invite your inner child to come out and play, you'll discover just how artistic you really are.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The best way to attract abundance is to visualise having it. Spend a few moments each day envisioning your dream life. It can include hi-tech gadgets, designer cars and jetting all over the world. If you're a collector, picture yourself in a room filled with rare and valuable pieces. Do you love good food? Imagine having a gourmet kitchen or going on a tour of the world's greatest restaurants. It doesn't matter what form your affluence takes. The critical thing is to imagine yourself enjoying it fully.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Trust your intuition; it will not steer you wrong. You're faced with a choice that seems obvious. Taking the path which promises more money seems the sensible course, yet you hesitate because your sixth sense knows there are dangers involved. It will be much smarter to pursue an unconventional offer. Not only will it allow you to express your creativity, but it will cause your confidence to soar. You always fare well in environments filled with offbeat people and unusual work methods.

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