
Someone you hardly know will try to persuade you to commit to a risky venture. Promises of being able to double your money if this venture pays off are hard to resist. Your main concern should be to check you are in no way getting involved in devious dealings and remind yourself of what you might lose should it go wrong.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Your patience has helped a youngster improve their performance. They are ready now to get on without any help. You should be proud that it has been your guidance that has helped them get this far. Although you might step away you will continue to encourage them from behind the scenes.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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With so many distractions around you it is going to be hard to direct your attention to anything worthwhile. At times you might wonder why you are wasting your time even trying. Some things can be left for another day. You might notice one friend or colleague in particular is causing the most disturbance.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You're finding it hard to let go and put an argument behind you. Someone has annoyed you and you can't hide your feelings. They know you're upset but they're hoping you will accept their apologies. It is your choice whether to remain moody and cause further tension or to relax and go with the flow.

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You have taken your time to make a difficult and complex decision. You have considered the impact this may have on other people. Stand by your decision and know it has been the right one to make in the circumstances. New ideas will be introduced to an annual event which the committee looks to improve on every year.

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You're working on letting go of others who have become too needy or demanding. Whether it is expecting to spend hours on the telephone with you when you have other things to do or borrowing money and items without ever returning them, you are starting to recognise some people are more of a hindrance in your life, than a help.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A creative idea will turn out to be really clever. You had not expected to have been able to contribute to a team effort and so successfully. Response to your efforts will encourage you to experiment more. If you've not had a lot of time for someone close you will want to make this up to them now.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Someone will casually ask what other things you are working on and they will be surprised by the answer. You have dozens of things you need to do. Some jobs, you could delegate to another. Work and finances take priority. You won't have a lot of time to spend with friends.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Communications with a friend or relative abroad will be disappointing. You might feel as if something you have said has been misunderstood. If you're invited to take part in an important meeting, don't turn this down. This is your chance to get your own views heard. A number of issues will be discussed.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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It would be easy to be influenced by someone's charm when they ask you to trust them. At first it will seem as if you have no choice but you do have the right to make up your own mind and if they've given you neither reason nor example as to why you should, be wary.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A task you took on reluctantly will be plagued with problems. You are ready to call it a day. The cause of a recent incident will be under investigation when the main aim is not to look for who to blame but how to make a situation safer in the future.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A sensitive mood helps you understand the feelings of those around you. You find it easy to put yourself in someone else's shoes. A young child or pet needs extra love and attention. You sense this need is genuine and you won't hesitate to re-juggle your schedule to give them more of your time.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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