
You are deep and thoughtful, consequently powerfully intuitive flashes of inspiration are possible. Whilst they can be extremely potent and evoke in an intense emotional response in you, be careful that you have interpreted the stimuli clearly, as it is conceivable that some confusion could occur. Take care not to act too much on impulse; a little patience will go a long way towards assuring you achieve your desired goals. A creative pursuit that intrigues you could be very rewarding.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You will be very much inclined towards helping other people today, particularly those in need. Perhaps a friendly soul will require some assistance, or on the other hand, you may choose to offer your services in some charitable work or concern. You are able to rely on great reserves on inner strength and determination right now, and this will stand you in good stead to complete any difficult or arduous task that you may choose to undertake.

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Communications in your immediate circle and locality are unclear or even confused right now. Mercury is oppopsed to Neptune and this suggests that misunderstandings and errors could inadvertently occur. Because of this possibility, it might be wise to defer any really important decisions or discussions for a little while, even though it might be somewhat frustrating to do so. Just keep your options open and continue to gather as much information as you can for the time being. Be warned of downright lies and even a scandal brewing you could well do without. Honesty is the best and only policy I would advocate.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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This is the kind of day when you experience everything at a deeply emotional level. The Moon moves into the imaginative and illusory sign of Pisces today, accentuating your inherent sensitivity and depth of feeling. Your perceptiveness is also heightened and so flashes of inspiration are possible. Encounters with others are weird, and perhaps evoke responses in you that may be different from usual. When you come down into the real world check everything of a financial nature as something is definiately up when it comes to cash.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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What you see ain't necessarily what you get now. Be warned of deception, treachery and betrayal. If that sounds like a good script for a TV mini series you are right, just make sure you aren't playing the leading role! If you want to liven up things between you and a partner or close associate, be creative in your thinking. Use your powers of imagination to ascertain what they would most like to do, and then why not arrange a surprise. Try to allow your intuition to guide you and at the same time combine it with a little realistic planning, and you will not go far wrong. An older friend might be able to offer some helpful suggestions, so do dot hesitate to ask for their advice.

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Sleep is so important to your mental state but are you getting enough? Try to rest and relax as much as possible as your dreams need to get out into the open as there is a message in them for you. Your mind is so full of ideas that it might be difficult to sort out the wheat from the chaff. Try to organise your day so that you have a little time to yourself for quiet reflection, and this will enable you to marshal your thoughts. For the time being the best policy might be to concentrate on gathering further information, and looking at all the potentialities. By so doing, when you do decide on a course of action, it is more likely to be the right one.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Although your emotions will be deeply felt and intense at the moment you will not let them run away with you. When needs be you will be very realistic and disciplined in approach, and so able to handle a given situation with calm and control. On a creative level, your imagination is enhanced and active and so any artistic or aesthetic pursuit you choose to undertake will benefit. Try a new and innovative activity if it attracts you, as it could turn out to be extremely rewarding.

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Any strong hunches or psychic flashes you experience today are set to bring about an immediate reaction from you. You may be inclined to act incisively and directly, but take a few moments to weigh up all the potentialities before you rush in. This will prevent you making any commitments that you may later regret. Talking to a family member, particularly one from an older generation, could be most helpful and informative, and they may be able to offer you some timely advice.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Your imaginative powers are enhanced now, but be warned as some everyday life concerns will be as clear as mud. Someone is with holding information so you may make decisions based on half-truthes, half-facts or half-stories. Conversations with foilks have the potential to be much the same, so it is imperitive to be aware that you may only be hearing what they want you to know. Whist you are able to draw on skills and proficiency gained in the past you are also open to learning new techniques, and this can be most constructive but don't delude yourself into assuming you can do what you manifestly can't!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Whilst you are careful and prudent in approach, today you can also rely upon your perception and imagination. If there is a certain snippet of information that you have been seeking for example, then today you could well come up with the answer. Communication with the familiar people in your life could also be extremely effective. A chance remark or comment by a friend could lead you on a whole new area of discovery, and this you will find most rewarding. When it comes to money be clear and concise about what you require or you will be taken to cleaners by someone who is a plain old conman.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Be very careful in all your personal and relationship dealings today, as mistakes and errors are a distinct possibility. As long as you are circumspect and realistic in what you say or do, and strive to ensure that all agreements are straightforward and you both know where you stand, then there should be few problems. Artistic pursuits that demand an imaginative touch can be the source of an immense amount of satisfaction and enjoyment, so be creative and think of a way to engage your illusory powers. Reality is very necessary if you want to stave off serious difficults such as lies and deceit.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You need the freedom to express your individuality in whatever way you feel is appropriate. Should you sense that someone is trying to hold you back at all, then it is possible you may respond in a quite a confrontational manner. To avoid any unnecessary disputes in a potentially discordant situation, it may help to go off by yourself for a while so as to gather your thoughts. Your intuitive powers are heightened, so following any strong gut feelings could prove to be worthwhile. For today be aware that you are okay to fool some of the people but remember you can't fool them all the time - and vice versa!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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