
You feel a strong emotional connection with someone who has a similar background. Many times, you understand what each other is feeling without exchanging a word. It's only natural you seek this friend's advice when dealing with a troublesome relative. A struggle for supremacy will leave you drained and sad. Although gaining absolute power seems attractive now, you'll feel differently when you achieve your goal. It's much better to be a member of the support staff now, while others fight it out amongst themselves.

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Carefully considering every aspect of a project will work to your benefit. Someone who is impressed by your detail-oriented approach will offer you an important assignment. When making an estimate, give yourself extra time to complete this job. It's better to be safe than sorry. Disagreements over cultural beliefs should be kept to yourself. Criticising someone else's convictions will be hurtful. It's much better to focus on doing a good job together. You don't have to share an ethical code to produce innovative and inspiring results.

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Financial activities related to restaurants, property or domestic products will be profitable. If you're looking for a job, apply for work in these fields. When it comes to launching your own business, offer services and wares that have an emotional appeal. You're still upset over an ending that occurred some time ago. Give yourself more time to grieve. Joining a support group will be therapeutic. One of the members will teach you helpful coping strategies for times when you're especially vulnerable.

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Don't be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve. When people see how passionately you feel about a subject, they'll rally to your side. Everyone is sick and tired of having to obey orders from someone who is indifferent to their emotions. Someone is trying to reform you. You're tired of being continually criticised for engaging in a vice you enjoy. Make your displeasure clear. Tell this pest that you will not discuss the matter with them any longer.

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You feel deep sympathy for someone who has recently experienced a setback. While everyone else seems impervious to their suffering, it's obvious to you. Do something kind on this colleague's behalf, whether it's running an errand or buying them lunch. An attempt to reform your workplace will fall flat. It seems like the majority is happy with the status quo. Start looking for an employer that encourages creative thinking. After doing some research, you'll land a position that is much more rewarding.

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A strong friendship gives you courage. You've never been confident about your charm, but your loved ones have. Listen to their advice and pursue a potential partner. Taking the initiative will give your confidence a boost. You're tired of waiting for suitors to approach you. Jealousy could rear its ugly head. If you feel threatened by your amour's platonic friendships, it's time to build your confidence. Develop some outside interests that will keep you from staying awake at night, brooding and wondering.

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Your career cultivates financial stability. While it feels good to create a comfortable life for your family, you sometimes wish you could try a different line of work. Give yourself permission to change professions, especially if your current job makes you unhappy. Beware of reacting emotionally to a stressful family matter. Your relatives are looking to you for guidance. If you look like you can't handle the pressure, the whole team will lose heart. Keep a stiff upper lip and a solution will come.

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Going on a long-distance trip will be stimulating. Take a kind friend along for the ride. You'll enjoy exploring the shops, restaurants and places of historic interest together. There's something about taking a trip with someone that strengthens or weakens your bond. A strong interest in mathematics, electronics, biology or medicine should be satisfied. You don't have to embark on a new career path. Simply taking a few courses will be rewarding. You're much happier when your intellect is continually sharpened.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A financial windfall is coming your way. Instead of spending it, save it for a rainy day. Although this isn't the best time to relocate, you will soon find a place that perfectly suits your needs. Keep your eyes and ears open. Conflicts over a physical relationship will erupt. You and your partner have different needs. Resist the temptation to break up. Instead, find ways of having more fun together. This will pave the way for the intimacy you crave.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're looking for a romantic partner who shares your desire for a comfortable home. It's possible you'll run a business from your household. You should oversee the finances while your other half deals with human relations. This is a match made in heaven. Resist the temptation to address the weaknesses of your other half. An ability to balance each other is the secret to your successful formula. Instead of complaining about their shortcomings, praise your partner's many abilities. They'll return the favour.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's time to straighten out a chaotic environment. Put all work on hold while you sort through the surroundings and examine work systems. After a few hours, you'll quickly develop a plan that allows everyone to operate at maximum efficiency. Friends keep commenting on your personal choices, criticising the decisions you have made. This has become incredibly annoying. Your needs are different from theirs; that's why you have chosen a different path. Tell your loved ones their input is no longer wanted. Be firm.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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At times, you act more like a parent than a partner to your beloved. Instead of choosing what they should wear and constantly being at their beck and call, leave them to their own devices and get them to stand on their own two feet. At first, they'll resent your failure to help them. Let them sulk. You've kept your resentment towards a relative secret. Waiting for a moment to get revenge is doing more harm than good. If you want to realise your potential, ditch their hold over your heart and make a fresh start. It can be done.

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