
You're getting a reputation for being the most talented member of the group. A raise, promotion, or impressive job offer could be forthcoming. Part of the reason for your success lies in your willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done. As far as you're concerned, there's no such thing as a task beneath your rank. An irresponsible friend may ask for a loan. Be ready to refuse. You work hard for your money, and can't afford to throw it away.

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Don't despair if your career isn't going your way. Plenty of other opportunities are open to you. Taking a long distance journey or furthering your education are all worth thinking about. You've been blessed with considerable artistic talent. Seize this chance to develop it. Critics will say it's silly to take time off when you could be earning money. However, you see things from a different perspective. Don't squander precious time on a job you hate.

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Friends and family will help you through a difficult time. Someone you once trusted and admired could be revealed as a rogue. It's hard to reconcile the person you knew with the one who was engaged in unethical behaviour. As a result, you're starting to question your instincts regarding people. Let down your defences and allow your loved ones to comfort you. If you don't, it will become very difficult to enjoy intimate relationships.

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Working alongside a business or romantic partner proves fulfilling. You give them a sense of structure and purpose, while they bolster your confidence. It's especially fun to put some obscure knowledge to use. People are astonished by the depth and breadth of your expertise. Don't fool yourself with regard to a luxury item. This will put a serious dent in your bank account. You're better off saving your money for things that will bring longer term security.

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Work will prove very rewarding. You're starting to get the sorts of clients and assignments you enjoy. What a difference a year makes! Don't be afraid to increase your prices or ask for a raise. People recognise what a prize you are, and are willing to pay accordingly. A workmate or loving partner may feel neglected. You've got to have an honest talk about your situation. It simply isn't realistic to spend quality time together when you've got so much on your plate.

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Your sex appeal is red hot. Admirers are really turned on by your cool brand of sophistication. If you are in a relationship, this would be a good time to conceive or adopt a baby. Alternatively, you may decide to embark on a creative project. Inspiration comes from an offbeat rebel who makes you laugh. Be sure to follow up on any bright ideas you have while showering or driving. Take care of your health. It's easy to forget what you're eating when you're engrossed in a project.

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Domestic life is looking good. You're tired of flitting from party to party. Staying home with your feet up affords a welcome opportunity to relax. If you're burned out at work, you may want to approach your boss about telecommuting. You'll feel much more productive when you're in familiar, comfortable surroundings. Resist the impulse to put a lover on a pedestal. Idealising your amour will lead to terrible disappointment. Learn to take the bad with the good.

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Donating time or money to a good cause gives you a new lease on life. You're sick and tired of dealing with commercial concerns. Doing something out of the goodness of your heart will protect you from cynicism. It's a relief to see you're not the only one who feels this way. Many of your fellow volunteers share your concerns about the world. Turn a deaf ear to a pessimistic relative who thinks you are wasting your time.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Devoting your energy to people and activities you love lifts your spirits. In the past, you shied away from responsibility. Now you're starting to see the benefit of tackling difficult jobs. Your superiors have noticed what a good job you do, and are prepared to reward you for it. Happy news regarding a pregnancy or marriage could reach your ears. This is cause for celebration! When it comes to buying a gift, ask your friend what they want. It will be better than acting on impulse.

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Your warm, generous spirit makes you a popular figure. This is a great time to write, teach, or lecture. People are very receptive to what you have to say. You may form a close bond with a student or admirer. The two of you make an odd pair. You're calm and traditional, while your protege is wild and offbeat. Somehow, your energies balance each other. Be realistic with regard to an expensive hobby. It's better to spend your money on necessities.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spending time on your own is preferable to mixing with large groups of people. A recent round of parties and social gatherings has left you tired and irritable. Restore your spirits with solitary activities like reading, writing, and nature walks. If you're thinking of buying your own home, this would be a good time to approach the bank. You're sure to get a good deal. An unexpected source of income allows you to afford a place that was previously out of reach.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Don't be nervous about taking a job or moving to a new area. Your peers will welcome you with open arms. In fact, you're about to make some very good friends. It's a relief to meet people who share your interests in art, spirituality, and music. In the past, you were mocked for such pursuits. Resist the urge to ignore someone who is always denigrating you. By addressing their snide remarks, your confidence will soar. It's time to stand in your own defence.

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