
Your mind is working at a mile a minute right now. Finding a channel for your intellectual curiosity is key. You could have lots of fun learning a foreign language or mastering a musical instrument. Working on crossword, Sudoku, and logic puzzles could also be enjoyable. If you're looking for love, you could find it in a classroom or book club. Keep your eyes open for a chatty charmer who has a way with words.

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Financial matters will take up the lion's share of your attention over the next few weeks. It's important to make your money work for you, instead of the other way around. Putting a percentage of your income into an interest bearing account is very important to your future security. You've always loved luxury. Having the money to afford good food, fine wine, and beautiful furnishings is essential to your happiness.

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Facing off with a competitor fuels your inner fire. You love nothing more than a stimulating debate. Your blend of wit, charm, and intelligence will make you the victor. Resist the urge to be a sore winner, though. Offer to take your rival out to a slap up dinner after you've finished sparring. You may be surprised and delighted to discover a growing attraction to this person. If you're already in a relationship, share your partner's interests.

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You're not particularly eager to share what you think these days. Mulling ideas and projects over in your head will be much more pleasurable than debating with others. That's because you're more interested in developing concepts according to your own tastes than bending to accommodate other sensibilities. If you've been struggling with serious personal issues or addictions, you may want to put some distance between you and the toxic people in your life.

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You've always been a social butterfly and it will be especially true over the next few weeks. It will be exquisite torture to choose among all the party invitations you receive. It's nice to know you're in such demand! Getting involved with a humanitarian organisation could also prove rewarding. You're sure to meet several scintillating conversationalists through this group. One of these new friends may prompt you to write your memoirs or try your hand at fiction.

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Showing off your communication skills will yield exciting results. Everybody seems receptive to what you have to say. Granted, you will encounter some opposition, but at least your rivals will recognise your intelligence. The next few weeks are ideal for finding a job as a journalist, public relations strategist, or professional blogger. If you've been having trouble at your current job, schedule a meeting with your boss. Together, you could find a workable solution to your problem.

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Exploring new territory will put you in the path of some pretty interesting people. You're about to meet some very powerful people, particularly in the field of teaching, writing, and lecturing. If you've ever wanted to write a book, this would be a good time to take a class on the subject. Your instructor could open new worlds for you. If you're engaged in a legal battle, you could negotiate a settlement to save everybody a lot of time, money, and stress.

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You have penetrating insight to people's motivations. If you've ever wanted to win someone's heart, now is the time to do it. You know just what to do and say to win this person's affection. If you already have a partner, you may be inspired to fulfil one of their fantasies. You're the type of lover who will go to the ends of the earth to make your beloved happy. You could make a series of profitable investments over the next few weeks.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You can't feel attracted to somebody unless they are intelligent. Fortunately, you could meet a love interest who stimulates both your mind and body. Although this person has the attention span of a gnat, you do admire their breadth of knowledge. Together, you could develop some exciting projects together. More importantly, though, you'll forge a loving and sympathetic alliance which will sustain you through some very tough times.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're a bit of a perfectionist these days, and who can blame you? You have the ability to create a remarkable masterpiece. Of course, it helps to get the input of people you respect. Be sure to show your work to a colleague who has a fine eye for detail. This person may notice some small errors you'd otherwise miss. If you're looking for a job, you could find one that stimulates your mind, but doesn't necessarily enrich your bank account.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Abandoning yourself to fun is the best use of your time. For the past few weeks, you've been overwhelmed with domestic responsibilities. Now the Sun has finally broken through the clouds. Throwing a party, going on a break, or embarking on a romance are all good ideas. Spending quality time with children will prove fulfilling. You may not realise it, but a young person looks to you for guidance so be there for them.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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It may be up to you to solve a difficult domestic problem. Your ability to see everybody's point of view will help you forge a workable compromise. The secret to your success is treating everyone with dignity. Bullies become less aggressive in your presence, and martyrs become more assertive. It may be necessary to rearrange some rooms in order to accommodate everybody's needs. Thankfully, you've never worried about what people think.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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