
Finding an outlet for your anger is essential. Recently, a close relationship has been causing you grief. Instead of lashing out at your partner, take up a creative project. Working with metal could be especially fulfilling. So can photography, watercolours, or dance. You're a lot more artistic than you realise. It's all a matter of taking the time to express yourself. Think back to your childhood and you'll soon be coming up with some brilliant ideas.

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Don't fool yourself into thinking you are indispensable at work. Your colleagues can get along just fine without you. Take this opportunity to spend more quality time by yourself. Solitary activities like reading, writing, and daydreaming will act like a balm on your heart. It's not healthy to have your identity tied up in your work. There's a lot more to you than your professional title. Devoting energy to a humanitarian cause makes you realise your full talent.

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Helping a friend will be onerous at first, but you'll be glad you made the gesture. Stop grumbling about the sacrifice and just dive in. Once you get started, you'll become engrossed in the work. It may even prove fun. Doing something kind on behalf of your loved one will also strengthen your relationship. During the past several weeks, you've been engrossed in your pursuits. Now you've rejoined the world, you realise how much you've missed friends and family.

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You could be thrust into the limelight. Although you're not comfortable with the public scrutiny, you are stimulated by the challenges ahead. Being asked to take charge of a complicated work project gives your confidence a much needed boost. You may be rewarded with a handsome perk for your services, like a company car or additional holiday time. Don't be too disappointed if you aren't given a pay raise. The extra perks will make a big difference to your happiness.

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Taking a leap of faith could land you in the arms of an attentive lover. Although you've been burned in the past, it won't be the case in this relationship. It seems as though you've joined forces with a much more reliable partner. They won't be terribly effusive, but their loyalty is certain. There is more to love than extravagant gestures and florid oaths. Going on a short trip together could be fun. Head for somewhere that's famous for its music or scenery.

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At long last, you're able to put a painful issue behind you. A few weeks ago, you would have scoffed at the idea of looking forward to the future. Now, however, you are excited about the opportunities ahead. A new job could be in the works. This may require you to move to a different neighbourhood or acquire technical skills. The challenge will take your mind off your troubling memories, especially regarding a relationship.

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An old relationship has been weighing on your mind. It's time to let go of these memories and move towards the future. Whether your old union was blissful or abusive is immaterial. The important thing is that it's over. Fortunately, a new love interest is about to enter your life. Keep your eyes open for a sexy visionary. If you already have a partner, this would be a good time to visit a restful retreat with your amour.

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Coming to terms with your body image is imperative. Beating yourself up because you weigh too much or don't fit some movie star ideal is absurd. If you want to embark on a fitness routine, that's fine, but you need to get your priorities straight. Think of diet and exercise as a way to feel better, instead of a way to gain public approval. Start by ridding your kitchen of junk food. It's fine to enjoy the occasional dessert, but don't go overboard.

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The focus will shift from you onto other members of the group. At first, you'll feel neglected and unappreciated. In time, however, you'll see the benefit of this new phase. Now everyone is distracted, you can turn your attention to the hobbies you love. Taking an evening class could be a surprisingly good idea. You could make some good friends along the way. You're especially drawn to people who don't know the meaning of the word 'impossible.'

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All of your worrying will be proved futile today. The worst case scenario will fail to materialise, allowing you to move forward to a happy, secure future. Let this be a lesson to you. There's no point in fretting over the unknown. Adopting a more carefree, receptive attitude will draw prosperity like a magnet. Getting paid for your creative work is a distinct possibility. If you're looking for a job, seek a position related to shipping, chemicals, beverages, or plumbing.

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At long last, you're able to finalise a deal which has been in the works for weeks. Signing a contract, selling property, or hiring a legal or financial representative are all worth considering. Trust your intuition with regard to these matters. A cautious onlooker may think you're foolish for not going with the higher bid or more experienced person. In time you'll be glad you followed your heart. Ultimately, the final decision rests with you.

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A financial matter is coming to a close. It's possible you'll get paid for a job you did some time ago. Alternatively, you could finally land an elusive job. Be sure to buy yourself something nice to celebrate your good fortune. Then take a few moments to budget for the months ahead. Keeping to a budget will help you to save for something that affords long term security, like a car or home. Even a dreamer like you needs to pay attention to the material world.

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