
You feel restless. This makes it difficult to concentrate. Instead of abandoning a project, give yourself a tight deadline. This will help you focus until the job is finished. Putting off a routine task will cause unwanted stress later. Carry out this errand now, while you have some extra time. An opportunity for a restful break will come later. Right now, it should be business as usual. Pattern your behaviour after an efficient colleague who always delivers materials on time and under budget.

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Money isn't stretching as far as you expected. It's time to develop another plan. Finding a second source of income is possible. You might be able to sell your handiwork at a local boutique. Landing a more lucrative job is another possibility. Although the prospect of switching employers is daunting, it may be a good strategy. You should be well compensated for your brilliant ideas and innovative solutions. It's time to fulfil your considerable potential. Stop accepting second best.

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Try to make a good impression. Being pushy or impatient will make an enemy of someone who should be your friend. When you become anxious, take deep breaths. Taking a calm, measured approach to problems will result in a more satisfying solution. It will also earn the respect of everyone you meet. There are people who create problems for others. Don't be a member of this group. The most successful individuals are ones who face challenges in an adult manner.

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Hidden fears are keeping you from moving forward. It's time to nip this problem in the bud. Overcoming this problem can be as simple as summoning your courage and forcing yourself to do something uncomfortable several times in a row. The more accustomed you become to unpleasant things like confrontations, the easier it will be to make progress. You have an opportunity to enjoy a satisfying romance. Don't let a dread of intimacy stop you from finding happiness.

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Friends are pressuring you to take an unsuitable path. Be ready to move in a different direction. You want excitement and adventure, not stability. If this means leaving a steady job or ending a troubled partnership, so be it. Falling short of your goal isn't so terrible. Wondering what might have been is the real tragedy. Travelling to a foreign country or writing a book are very worthy ambitions. Set your sights on accomplishing something extraordinary. Mediocrity isn't your style.

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It feels like everyone is blaming you, although you're not the one who caused the problems. Stand up for yourself, even if it means getting into an argument with an authority figure. You're tired of being a professional doormat. After you've taken your stand, do something nice for yourself. Get a massage, go for a spa treatment or splash out on some new clothes. You have to reward yourself every time you do something brave. This will bolster your confidence.

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Conventional wisdom won't be very useful. To solve a problem, you'll have to take an unorthodox approach. You might have to bend the truth with a neighbour who is being inconsiderate. Having to put up with bad behaviour is wearing on your nerves. Go ahead and tell a white lie. The community will thank you for fixing this problem. Some people need to be tricked into being good citizens. Appealing to their sense of decency simply will not work.

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Finances are tight. This isn't a good time to accumulate more debt. If you're strapped for cash, find ways to make your resources stretch farther. You dislike going without creature comforts, but the situation is only temporary. An unusual job offer is worth accepting. You'll have to work odd hours, but this is a blessing in disguise. It will be much easier to run errands while everybody else is at their jobs. It will also be easier to find time for solitary pursuits.

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Struggling with a creative block is frustrating. Instead of trying for a breakthrough, stay busy with mundane tasks. A brilliant idea will arrive when you're folding laundry, chopping vegetables or scrubbing the bath. That's because focusing on simple tasks allows your subconscious to run wild. Don't be afraid of unusual ideas. In the past, your originality got you into trouble. Right now, distinctive work will earn you fame and acclaim.

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Worrying can undermine your health. Practice the power of positive thinking. It will be challenging at first, but being optimistic can become a habit. Start monitoring your internal monologue for self defeating influences. When you catch yourself dwelling on fear, change focus. You might want to have several upbeat thoughts ready to ease the process. Thinking about a beautiful spring day, an uplifting quote or inspiring work of art will raise your energy and cultivate contentment.

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You long to have some fun, but responsibilities require your attention. Set some reasonable goals and then reward yourself when you finish them in the allotted time. Having incentives will keep you focused and productive. Fortunately, a loved one is offering lots of support. Lean on this friend when you feel discouraged. With their encouragement, you'll be able to finish work in record time. After hours, you'll be able to share a good meal together. Do your best to balance work with play.

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Your family isn't sympathetic to your needs. Instead of expecting love and understanding from outside parties, be good to yourself. Continue to work towards a goal, even if it's not paying off. Your patience and persistence will eventually cause some forward movement. If a nosy person asks how you are faring, give a noncommittal response. There's no reason you should feed these detractors. Save your energy for what's important: Realising your dreams. Don't worry.

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