
You're willing to put all of your energy into achieving financial security for the next month. Creating a budget, setting aside money for savings, and learning investment strategies are all ways to improve your situation. Of course, you can always ask for a raise or find a better-paying job while you're at it! The important thing to remember is that this is the best time of the entire year to increase your income.

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Tremendous vitality and self-confidence will usher in a month-long period of bliss for you. Take this opportunity to meet new people, make a good first impression, and go on job interviews. Your personal magnetism has never been stronger. This is also a favoured period for all forms of self-expression. You've been blessed with a profound appreciation for beauty. Try turning this gift into a money-making proposition.

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Ducking behind the scenes may be preferable to standing in the spotlight right now. You're in a reflective mood that could last for an entire month. Mystical and meditative activities help you slow down and appreciate the small pleasures that are often ignored. Resist the urge to fill your schedule with parties, meetings, and outings. You're better off standing in one place, listening to you're your heart, and getting back in touch with your spiritual core.

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Assuming a leadership position in a community affair makes you feel wanted and needed. You're a natural at inspiring others to take the best possible course of action. Don't be intimidated by loud, aggressive types who try to bully their way to the top. Your calm, reassuring presence should be enough to command attention over the next four weeks. The people you meet now can help you move toward future goals.

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You're determined to get the respect and recognition you deserve, even if you must push yourself to the limit. Finding a job that affords material rewards and emotional security is paramount for you. Fortunately, your commanding presence will allow you to break through any barriers that held you back in the past. Offering to work for free for a limited time period could convince the powers-that-be to give you a chance at a plum position.

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Taking part in religious, cultural, and educational activities can give you great pleasure for the next month. You're eager to leave the past behind you and explore new territory. Scheduling a long-distance trip is an excellent idea. It's also a good time to get a formal certificate in a subject that has always interested you. Getting official credentials could open new career avenues for you. Set some new personal challenges.

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Stripping off all the externals to expose your inner core may be intimidating but necessary. Too many barriers exist between you and the rest of the world to lead a meaningful, happy life. Let the next four weeks be a period of profound personal transformation. Letting go of your defences allows you to form intimate relationships with people you love. Stop putting up such a stoic front; it's not fooling anybody.

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Asking your closest associates for respect doesn't seem like an unreasonable request. However, you are going to have to make some changes if you're going to enjoy the fulfilling relationships you desire. Giving your partner more freedom to do and say as they like is key. You have a tendency to be very possessive toward both your loved ones and colleagues. Try releasing your grip a little the next month and see what happens.

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Supervising other people's work may make a free spirit like you uncomfortable. However, it may be necessary for your growth as a human being. Taking responsibility for others will add an exciting new dimension to all of your relationships, both personal and professional. It will also give you a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses. Resist the urge to pass your duties on to others.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If you're looking for love, you will be thrilled to know that you're entering a highly romantic phase. The next four weeks could put you in contact with several potential suitors. In the event that you're already in a relationship, you may want to consider having a baby or launching an artistic endeavour. The bottom line is, you're on the brink of creating something special and beautiful. Spring always has been your lucky season.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spending more time at home can give you the inner peace that eluded you this winter. Ever since the beginning of the year, you've been busy with meetings, money matters, and errands. Now you're finally being given the opportunity to slow down and smell the flowers. Don't squander these next four weeks, because you'll need them to recharge your batteries for the exciting summer ahead. Schedule some relaxing family time.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Networking is the name of the game for the next four weeks, so keep your cell phone handy. Don't forget to return messages, call old friends, and keep up your written correspondence. The more in the loop you are, the greater your chance of finding luck. You'll probably have an increased workload, so feel free to ask siblings and neighbours for assistance. A series of short trips could be in the cards, too.

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