
Social awareness draws you closer to a group of positive people. Your new friends are determined to make the world a better place. By joining forces, you'll take a more optimistic view of the world. Take this opportunity to capitalise on a relationship with a prominent person. A professor, government official, legislator, or judge can bring your favourite cause into the public arena. Be sure to accept an invitation to a glittering gala. It will be lots of fun.

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Professional prospects get a big boost from a female friend. This lady admires your talent and believes in your ability. If she sends you on a job interview, be sure to go. The position in question may not be your cup of tea, but it could lead to something better. Plus, there's no harm in meeting with a powerful executive. It's possible you'll be given an award of some kind. Be sure to wear something attractive but comfortable, so you can relax and enjoy the festivities.

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Mind expanding subjects like psychology, religion, or philosophy could appeal to you right now. You're eager to understand the big picture. Knowing what motivates and frightens people will improve your social skills. A writing project could also capture your imagination. Although you don't need official training for this endeavour, you may want to read some advanced textbooks on your subject. Ask your local librarian for some reading recommendations. You may have to look through several titles to find one that resonates with you.

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A business or romantic partner could receive a great deal of money. This improves both of your financial fortunes. Take this opportunity to create some long term security for yourselves. Whether this means creating a retirement or college fund is immaterial. The important thing is to plan for the future. Perhaps you should sit down and talk about your goals, both as individuals and as a team. Such a conversation will draw you closer together than ever before. Everything is coming up roses!

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A social or business partnership could bring great luck. Two heads are definitely better than one today. Rely on your friend's instincts when it comes to a leap of faith. You're afraid of taking a risk, but they're willing to try something new. Follow their lead on this matter, and keep your misgivings to yourself. A legal issue could be decided in your favour. Take this opportunity to make a fresh start. Dwelling on old wounds will just drag you down into the mire.

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Work gives you a sense of purpose. It's good to know people appreciate your efforts. If you're looking for a job, you may want to strengthen your technological expertise. Knowing how to operate complicated machinery will make you a hot commodity to a good employer. Although the salary won't be impressive, the benefits will be. The work environment will also be upbeat, supportive, and creative. This will be a change you'll welcome with open arms. Too often, you've worked for petty people with small minds.

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Your zest of life is evident in all that you do. Working with children will be especially rewarding. They respond to your encouraging words, while you draw energy from their youthful enthusiasm. If you're looking for love, you could find it at an art class, sporting event, or casino. Keep your eyes open for a cool rebel who seems immune to your charms. With a little work, you could earn a special place in their heart. It's all a matter of engaging their sizable intellect.

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A happy home life makes every other area of life easier. Even when you experience difficulty in your social or professional life, you're strangely calm. This is because you know your nearest and dearest are poised to comfort you. If you're thinking of moving to a new place, check out properties with lofty views. You have a tendency to dwell on the past. Living in an elevated space will keep your thoughts trained on the future, where it belongs. Great things are on the horizon.

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Benefits could arrive via an opportunity to teach, publish, or travel. People are eager to hear your ideas on your area of expertise. The secret to your popularity is your enthusiastic attitude. These days, many authority figures seem steeped in gloom and doom. Not you. As far as you're concerned, there's always reason to hope. No wonder students gravitate to you. A relative or neighbour has good advice regarding a family matter. Be sure to follow their suggestions.

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Additional money, property, or both could fall into your hands. There's never been a better time to launch a new business venture. Working for others doesn't suit your executive temperament. You'll fare much better running a company which speaks to your interests. Of course, you'll have to run a tight ship, especially in the early stages. Beware of hiring friends and relatives who will slack off on the job. This will just hurt your relationship and cut into your profit margin.

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You set the tone for every crowd you enter which is why it's so important to project a positive attitude. Yes, you face some serious problems. It seems your predecessor did a very poor job indeed. Untangling the mess they've created will take time, money, and energy. Fortunately, you have all three at your disposal. When it comes to managing others, emphasise their strong points, and refrain from dwelling on their weaknesses. This will prompt everyone to work harder on your behalf.

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Spiritual work provides a welcome release from the workaday world. People have always accused you of being a dreamer. There's no shame in that. Actually, your ability to build castles in the air helps you survive disappointments that would derail others. Taking up meditation or yoga can strengthen your ability to transcend the ordinary. Turn a deaf ear to cynics who scoff at your efforts. They'd rather wallow in cynicism than dare believe life can be beautiful.

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