
Sexy, magnetic and full of spunk you are intrepid and find success through taking risks. You'll find yourself at the helm of a large group or project as your qualities of leadership are unsurpassed. You're fantastic at moving forward with originality, but bad at soothing people's wounded egos. Be extra gentle with sensitive members of your team to burnish your reputation even more.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Extreme behaviour brings on erratic career experiences so play it cool to be safe. Vague dissatisfactions you've experienced professionally will come to a head. You're no longer willing to take on extra responsibilities without compensation. Furthermore, you refuse to cover up for inept colleagues and superiors. Be prepared for cathartic fireworks. They're long overdue.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A sudden stroke of luck will lead you into the realms of the unusual and breathtaking. Taking a trip could introduce you to a relationship that is spontaneous and animated. Understand your surroundings have an enormous effect on the way you interact with a current spouse or partner. By heading off for greener pastures, you may see a problem in a whole new light. A change is better than a rest!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A shock to your system might appear the worst thing ever but it'll turn out good for you. So brace yourself for a wee while but in the long run you'll see it was for the best. A sudden expense could force you to dip into savings, or even worse, max out your credit cards. Stay calm. There is a way out of any dilemma. But be prepared to take unprecedented pecuniary action.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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It's going to take a kick up the backside for someone to realise how stupid they are being. An angry confrontation with someone you love could leave you distressed and bewildered. You didn't even know there was a problem until now. Whilst it's true your partner has been terrible at communicating their feelings, you must take a share of the responsibility. Wise up and be aware of their subtle signals.

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Mercury gives you a wake up call in domestic matters you're about to find out so much. You're balanced and reasoned in everything you do, which comes in handy at this emotive time. A relative of family members feels neglected and overlooked - particularly a youngster. Of course, nobody mentions your many contributions. You have until mid-December to understand home issues.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You'll be thrown askew when you are attracted to someone or something you'd usually despise. You make it a habit to bite your tongue whenever a sarcastic comment comes to mind. Throw caution to the wind and say exactly what's on your mind. Rather than being offended it will break the ice in so many life departments. Tell you what, you sex life is about to alter beyond all imaginings as you have passions you never knew existed before now - wow!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Out of the blue a major drama disrupts your home or family take it in your stride it's the key to freedom. If electrical goods start breaking down in your household, it's a sign you need to slow down. Your best plan of action may be to take time off and do something completely out of the ordinary. This will give you the opportunity to reflect on your daily routine. You have to admit, you're in a rut that has numbed your emotions.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Little Mercury rewards you with the gift of eloquence and intelligence use it well. You only have it in its purest form until mid-December. It may be impossible to get away from people, as everybody seeks your opinions now. What a refreshing change from the past three weeks, when you were expected to put up and shut up. This is a fine time to promote your own interests, plans and ideas and also to decide on a travel destination.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The way to make money is to speculate that way you will accumulate in a startling way. Your desire to involve yourself in investments is too strong to ignore, but don't stick to your usual fiscal route. Strangely enough, you're not tempted to buy status symbols. Instead, you seek hi-tech, hi-risk categories that could open up a new world for you. You become more aware that past pecuniary attitudes have no place in future prosperity.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Remarkable and sexually magnetic that's you so harness both to bring untold and unspecified success. Giving somebody the bird could prove enormously satisfying in the heat of the moment. However, after reflection, you may regret your hasty rant. But there's no need for regrets. Whoever pushes your buttons today enables you to liberate yourself from consistent annoyances and fickle people whom you've wanted to cut out of your life for a while. So now walk on the wild side.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Put the word around that you are in the market for a new career or vocation and watch offers fly in. No matter how hard you try, you just can't resist those rebel types who seek to break your heart. If you find yourself hitching up with one of these losers, distract yourself by doing something that leaves you on safer ground. That way, you can experience lost love vicariously, instead of first-hand. Fulfil a fantasy today.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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