
Intellectuals can rub you the wrong way, so steer clear of these types. Perhaps the reason you're so irritated is because you're not challenging your mind enough. Taking a class, learning a new language, or going on an exotic vacation are all ways you can expand your horizons. Stop telling yourself you're too busy. Your subconscious knows what it can handle; feel free to push yourself harder.

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Sharing resources with a friend could have frustrating results. You're better off doing things on your own, even if it means incurring expense to yourself. If you can't afford to go it alone, prepare for some bumps along the road. The person you're dealing with may not be as considerate as you'd like. Instead of letting resentment build, let this person know what sorts of behaviour you will and will not tolerate.

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Lording your power over another person could prove ultimately unsatisfying. You're too friendly and kind-spirited to enjoy this inequity for very long. Perhaps the reason you're so tempted to pull rank is you don't feel valued at home. There is a way of asserting yourself that won't cause anger or pain. Refuse to be bullied by strong personalities. People who claim to be acting in your interest are actually just serving themselves.

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Taking care of your body seems like an annoying inconvenience when you're so busy with work. However, unless you take the time to eat well and exercise, your stress will only compound. Make physical activity your first priority, even if it means putting off some chores for another day. Stretching your muscles will make your body and mind more flexible. Even a half hour of gentle stretching will benefit you.

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Sexual jealousy could be a problem; don't let the green-eyed monster get the best of you. If you feel there is some competition from other quarters, ask yourself what you can do to make yourself more attractive to your partner. Giving your mate more room to grow is an excellent way to keep their loyalty. So is yielding decision-making from time to time. The answer to your dilemma goes deeper than cosmetic considerations.

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A close friend could remind you of a strict parent, which drives you crazy. You're tired of being told what to do, say, and think. Perhaps a show of anger will put this person back in their place. You're generally so kind-spirited and sweet-natured others don't realise when you're upset. Actually, your outburst may come as a nice surprise to those closest to you. It's nice to know even easy going types like you have a temper!

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Putting your ideas to work may not be possible right now, so try not to be impatient. There is a time and place to introduce new concepts. Waiting for a more opportune moment gives you more time to fine-tune your project. Run your presentation past an honest but tactful friend. Their comments and criticisms will give you a better idea of how authority figures will react. Keep your mind and heart open.

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Dealing with children could be extremely stressful, so take things slow. Instead of brooding over your troubles, discuss them with a sympathetic friend who makes you laugh. If you don't have any care taking responsibilities, you could be suffering from a creative block. The best cure is mundane work that takes your mind off the project at hand. Performing domestic duties can bring about the most brilliant breakthroughs.

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You're tired of nurturing loved ones and getting nothing in return. Perhaps it's time you pampered yourself for a change. Whether that means hiring a babysitter so you can grab a few hours to yourself or asking your mate for a backrub, you need to be proactive. Nothing will be handed to you on a silver platter; you have to voice your desires. Letting go of past resentments will also ease your emotional burdens.

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Your thoughts are racing, making it hard to rest and take stock of your current situation. Channel your energy into a physically demanding endeavour requiring lots of concentration. This may be the only way to get your mind to shut up for a while. Alternately, you can pick up a creative project you abandoned some time ago. Idleness is the enemy today, because it encourages needless anxiety.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Basing your self-worth on your financial status is a common mistake in today's culture. If you're feeling blue, resist the urge to go on a shopping spree. Instead, invest time in gifts that have lain dormant for some time. Pursuing an inexpensive hobby that gave you joy as a child can cause your ego to soar once again. Stop telling yourself fun pursuits are taking away from your earning potential. They're actually enhancing it.

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Extreme moodiness makes you feel like nothing is safe right now, not even your strongest relationships. Instead of looking for others to fill this internal void, be kind to yourself. When is the last time you read for pleasure? Have you ever had a pedicure? Are you skimping at the expense of your own comfort? Treating yourself like royalty will cause those inner pangs to subside, leaving you with a profound sense of serenity.

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