
Everyone knows you're one of the most ambitious people out there. That's why a decision to spend less time working will come as a shock. Don't bother defending your decision to nosy colleagues, neighbours and relatives. This choice feels right to you. Instead of entering a competition or running for office, you'll devote more time to home and family. Some of your relatives resent your previous long absences. It will take time to get back into their good graces.

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You've been soaking up information like a sponge. While expanding your knowledge has been fun, you're ready to attend to more mundane matters. Catching up on chores and paperwork will be cathartic. These responsibilities have been weighing heavily on you. Arguing about religion and politics will become less compelling. Although you still feel strongly about issues, you're no longer intent on converting people to your point of view. It's becoming easier to live and let live. Make it your mission to be happy, regardless of what's in the news.

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Your romantic or business partner won't be making as much money as they have in the recent past. That's no big deal; you're always able to live well on less. This ability to be happy, regardless of your circumstances, makes you a role model. You may not realise it, but many of your loved ones have changed their outlook because of you. They've seen the benefit of your relentless optimism and have adopted it themselves. Never underestimate the power of your influence.

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A close relationship has been your primary focus. That's starting to change, which is good for you both. Devoting more time to individual pursuits will allow you to reclaim your personal power. When you come back together, you'll have fresh appreciation for each other. Are you single? Instead of looking for love, you'll embrace your freedom. Practicing self-care will become a necessity, not a luxury. Becoming your own best friend will help you reach heights you never dreamed possible.

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A health regime has become too demanding to sustain. Give yourself a break. Exercising less or having dessert won't cause the planet to fly off its axis. It may be more interesting to attend to spiritual matters now. You'll regularly connect with your higher power. Are you unemployed? You're not alone at the moment. Not having to go into work each day gives you more opportunities to enjoy the activities you love. Join online groups, take remote singing lessons or offer music lessons.

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You've been working on several creative projects. While you've enjoyed exercising your imagination, it's time to take a break. Give your subconscious a chance to rest, relax and dream. Catching up with friends on web meetings can be a nice distraction. It feels good to reconnect. If a romance seems to be cooling down, let it. Get to know your amour outside the bedroom. Becoming good friends will strengthen your union. Don't worry; your mutual passion will return when you least expect it.

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Stepping back from your home life would be a welcome relief. Over the past few months, you've poured your heart and soul into the domestic arena. You're looking forward to the time you can venture out of your abode and see what the world holds for you. If you've been thinking about moving back to a place you once lived, do some research into the area now, see if this old place fits the new you. The answer will come as a surprise.

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You enjoy exchanging ideas and acquiring information, but the time has come to let this information germinate. Instead of signing up for yet another course, take a break from studies. Writing a book will be an enjoyable way to share your insights. A short trip has been cancelled. This isn't the end of the world. Spending more time at home gives you a newfound appreciation for your abode. Don't be surprised when you feel inspired to redecorate your least favourite room.

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Money isn't coming in as quickly as it has. Don't worry about cash concerns; the situation is temporary. Like the ocean, finances have ebb and flow. While the tide is out, you will be challenged to become more resourceful. Be more mindful about making purchases. Your values are undergoing a change. Instead of putting so much emphasis on travel, study and spiritual growth, you will make peace with where you are. Living in the moment will deepen your appreciation for your many blessings.

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Stepping back from a leadership position will be a relief. Although you take great pride in your work, it can be exhausting. Having everyone demand answers from you at every turn has made you yearn for privacy. Take this opportunity to relax. Living outside of the spotlight will be refreshing. It allows your creativity to wander. Don't be surprised when you get a fabulous idea for a song, movie or design. Using your free time for artistic pursuits will give you a new lease on life.

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When the current situation is over, you'll be less reclusive than you have in recent months. It will take time to reconnect with your social network. They've become so used to your being out of commission that they've developed new relationships and habits. Be patient. Devoting less time to volunteer work is also possible. You have a right to fun. Never fear; you'll return to humanitarian efforts after you've reconnected with your nearest and dearest. Friendships are more precious than gold to you; enjoy them to the fullest.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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After you were drained from partying? Being forced to scale back your social schedule. has forced you to reconnect with your spiritual side. Taking up a sacred practice gives life a more relaxing rhythm. Soon, you'll stop craving excitement and start embracing solitude. If reaching a cherished goal has been elusive, give yourself a break. Rather than focusing like a laser on your dreams, start taking pleasure in what you have. When you enjoy the journey, reaching the destination becomes much more rewarding.

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