
Accepting a socially prominent role will be fun. You'll enjoy using your leadership skills to promote community projects. Creating a more beautiful, friendly atmosphere will be a welcome challenge. You'll enjoy working with people from all walks of life to reach this goal. Planting a garden, clearing rubbish and creating a civic centre are all worthy ambitions. Improving your surroundings will make you more attractive to wealth. Nothing cultivates prosperity like looking around your neighbourhood and feeling proud of it.

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If you're looking for a way to give back to your community, get involved with a religious or cultural institution. An organisation that has lots of experience dealing with social challenges will appreciate your work ethic. Be open to performing whatever jobs are needed. Your extraordinary track record gives you more freedom in your personal and professional lives. People are less likely to impose restrictive rules on you. That's because you can be trusted to deliver exciting results, whether it's a comfortable home or a profitable service.

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Working behind the scenes allows you to put an innovative spin on projects. You're a highly imaginative person who doesn't like to be micromanaged. An assignment that doesn't seem very prestigious will be much more fulfilling than expected. Accept it with a grateful heart. Take measures to protect your financial interests. An insurance policy will give you peace of mind. Instead of listening to a charming salesperson, use your excellent research skills to find a deal that is perfect for your needs.

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Spending time with artistic people causes your own creativity to soar. You'll enjoy brainstorming with friends. Thanks to their input, you'll turn a good project into a masterpiece. Don't be afraid to experiment with cutting edge techniques, new software programmes and hi-tech gadgets. An accomplished colleague or business contact will take an interest in you. Whether they want to form a professional or romantic partnership is immaterial. The important thing is that this alliance will raise your profile. Becoming a minor celebrity will be lots of fun.

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When it comes to your career, it's wise to set yourself apart from the crowd. Offering something different from the competition will cause your professional star to rise. It helps to have certification in modern methods and techniques. Get a license, degree or certificate. Taking more exercise will give you an attractive glow that's hard to resist. It doesn't matter whether you play a sport, attend an exercise class or simply take a brisk walk on your lunch hour.

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Finding a spiritually rewarding practice will greatly improve your quality of life. As someone who tends to dwell on practical concerns, it's important for you to have a way to transcend these obsessions. Praying, communing with nature or performing sacred rituals can all help. Your romantic prospects are improving. Someone who thinks the world of you will ask you out. If you're single, you should accept this offer. You have a great deal in common with this admirer. Do you have a partner? Enjoy a candlelit dinner for two.

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An intimate relationship is a profound source of pleasure. Friends don't understand the allure of this alliance, but that's not your problem. You have a gift for seeing the hidden beauty in seemingly ordinary people. That's what makes you such a wonderful partner. Spending time with your family will be rewarding. Don't be surprised when a relative gives you a generous gift or heirloom. It's wonderful to be held in high esteem by someone you've always respected. You and this family member share many of the same values.

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Teaming up with an ultra-practical person will yield unusual results. While your other half knows how to turn dreams into reality, you understand the power of change. Offering something unique to the marketplace will generate lots of money for you both. A glowing recommendation from an employer, customer, patron or patient will be a source of pride. It feels wonderful when people appreciate your hard work. Use this praise as a springboard to a bold personal project. It's time to take a calculated risk.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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An unusual job offer is worth accepting. You're not the type who enjoys routine work. Being paid to think on your feet will be a refreshing change. You'll also enjoy the company of your colleagues, who will be an interesting assortment of outsiders. Establishing long-term financial security will be an interesting challenge. Although you don't place much importance of money, you do enjoy the freedom that wealth can bring. By regularly putting a portion of your income into savings, you'll be able to fund a trip around the world.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The chemistry between you and a newcomer is powerful. You adore their earthy sense of humour, while they're impressed by your professional achievements. Together, you could build a life of great happiness. If you have a partner, arrange a holiday to an unusual destination. Your commanding personality opens doors. This is a good time to promote a project, go on an audition or interview for a job. It will be virtually impossible to resist your charm. Victory is yours if you are willing to take a chance.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You'll have a lovely opportunity to spruce up your surroundings. Take advantage of a big sale on furniture and artwork. You'll find some distinctive pieces that appeal to your distinctive style. You're especially attracted to unusual shapes and unorthodox materials. Being able to keep secrets leads to a plum assignment. Someone who appreciates your discretion will award you with an enviable job. Not only will the duties be pleasant, but the pay will be significant. Put these earnings into a retirement or savings account.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your unusual outlook attracts lots of admirers. People enjoy hearing your theories; they are a welcome escape from mainstream entertainment. If you've ever wanted to launch a podcast or blog, now is a good time to do so. You're sure to gain a loyal following. Working with a team of respected artisans will be rewarding. You've always had a knack for detecting future trends. With your insight and their technical ability, it will be possible to create hand crafted items that sell for a big profit.

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