
You don't expect to know a partner's every move so why should they keep asking where you have been and who with? You respect other people's privacy and you would appreciate it if they did the same for you. You understand people asking questions because they are interested in you, your life and your dreams, but if someone really wants to be a part of that life, they need to know when curiosity becomes nosiness.

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A person who seeks you out deliberately to talk to you seems to know a lot about an incident they had no involvement in. You suspect they're being fed information from someone at work. Before you give away any further information, ask yourself why they are so interested in a topic that should be of no concern to them. It could be someone is using them to find out how much you know. Reveal nothing.

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You're relying on the advice of a professional but how expert are they? If you notice they repeat a lot of what you say and keep asking for your opinions, is it because they're trying to work out how much you really know? Or while you're trying to get your head around certain issues, could they be just guessing too, right along with you? If you really need expert help, be sure you have gone to the right person.

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A meeting you thought went well does not seem to tie in with an evaluation report. Someone may have said one thing to your face yet their written comments seem to contradict this. Before saying anything to anyone, schedule another meeting with your manager. Either their explanations will make sense to you or you will feel they are being unfair. Take it higher if you aren't happy with the situation.

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Someone you had respected changes their advice. You're starting to wonder whether they actually know what they're talking about. If it's apparent they aren't putting a lot of thought into what they're saying, you might also feel they don't care enough about you or your relationship. Sometimes it takes a sudden revelation for you to realise someone isn't the person you thought they were, but were your expectations too high? They are only human after all.

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It will come as no surprise when an argumentative friend chops up your words and deliberately misunderstands you. They know what you mean even if they say they don't. This person is angry but won't say why. You sense it is not you they're upset with even if they're taking their feelings out on you. Don't underestimate your intuition and curb your reaction. If that's their way of coping, let them use you as their emotional punch bag for a short while anyway.

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Keep the atmosphere light and bright when you sense someone isn't in the mood to get serious. Avoid discussing religion, politics, your love life or your ex. If you're meeting someone for the first time, visit places and choose activities that mean you don't have to spend too much time deep in conversation. Use common sense when dealing with a situation later in the day that causes a degree of chaos.

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Hide your reaction when you find yourself with a huge bore. They may suddenly bring up a subject that gets your interest. Then once you really do start talking you could discover you have a lot in common. As for what you can do about discussions that are of no interest to you, keep your head down and look busy so no-one will want to disturb you. Join in with what's going on only when a topic is brought up that piques your interest.

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You want to talk things through but a partner wants to think about it. They aren't as extravert and when issues arise, they prefer to go off on their own to mull it over or they just won't talk at all until they've sorted out their thoughts. You find this unnerving when you prefer to know what they are thinking. If you're hoping this will be a long-term relationship, you need to learn to deal with and accept their little ways and they should do the same for you.

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You sometimes wish you could just walk up to anyone and start a conversation, regardless of who or where they are. If shyness is holding you back, find ways to increase your confidence and self esteem. Make an effort to get out more and to mix with a variety of people. Start a conversation with someone just for the sake of it and greet others with a welcoming smile even when you're tempted to look down at the ground or to turn around and run away.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You could be held accountable for an agreement made when details were incorrect. If you're unable to prove otherwise it would be better to accept the blame, apologise and find a way to make amends. If there is conflict in the workplace, a boss or manager will put out soothing words without trying to intervene. It is too late to abandon some business or financial arrangements but you aren't keen on what is going on.

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You can't be annoyed with someone just because they don't agree with you. If they are being true to their feelings, you should respect that at least they are being honest. It would have been easy for them to tell a little white lie so as to make you believe what you wanted to believe. Sooner or later you will have found out the truth anyway. At least now you know where you stand.

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