
It's difficult to cope with an embarrassing situation. You feel the urge to apologise to everyone you meet. Instead of staying steeped in guilt, look for ways to redeem your reputation. Actions speak louder than words. When people realise you have changed your ways, they will give you a second chance. It will take some time to regain the public's trust, so be patient. Persistence pays off. Pattern your behaviour after a diligent Taurus or Leo you have always admired.

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A legal or publishing matter could be delayed. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, accept the situation with good grace. While you're waiting, you can immerse yourself in spiritual pursuits. Reading uplifting books, watching inspiring movies and listening to joyous music will be a welcome diversion from earthly problems. If you've failed a test or received a bad mark on a paper, vow to spend more time on academic pursuits. Although you're not a fast learner, you never forget information once you've mastered it.

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It's better to embrace change than fear it. Although you don't like to leave a supportive environment, that doesn't mean the next place you land will be uncomfortable. Picture yourself enjoying fast friendships in your new surroundings. Be opening to talking to people you'd normally avoid. You'll feel a strong connection with someone who is much older than or much younger than you. This generational difference will work to your advantage. It's helpful to get another perspective on life.

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You've been forced to make an unpopular decision. As a result, you feel isolated from the rest of the group. Give everyone time to adjust to the new situation. The fair members of the group will eventually admit you did the right thing. Others may hold this choice against you forever. There's nothing much you can do to win their approval. The important thing is you did what was necessary to protect the greatest amount of people from damage. Give yourself credit for being a good person.

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Overwork is causing burnout. It's imperative to slow down, even if it means taking a few days off work. Don't let the prospect of a promotion cause you to push your body past healthy limits. You need time to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Visiting a place that is off the beaten path will be refreshing. You'll enjoy the different pace of life. Instead of checking your mobile device every few minutes, you'll tune into the natural beauty around you.

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Don't neglect your responsibility towards a child. It's your job to model good behaviour. Engaging in destructive behaviour will set a bad example. Adjust your focus and fill your life with wholesome activities. Not only will your relationship improve, but you'll feel better about yourself. Don't be surprised when you receive surprising blessings because of this change. The Universe has a way of rewarding those who choose the high road instead of obeying their baser instincts. Strive for higher ground.

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Family responsibilities are undermining your private life. You long to get away with your favourite person, but feel like you're tied to a needy relative. Instead of accepting this situation as inevitable, ask for help. Ask a caring friend or family member to assume your duties while you take a holiday. There's no reason you should be the only person saddled with this job. Have you been carrying an emotional burden? Leave it by the side of the road, even at the risk of appearing selfish or uncaring.

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Worrying is a waste of precious energy. Imagining all the ways a situation can go wrong will just make you even more fearful about the future. It's much better to envision the best possible outcome and assume everything is going your way. Not only will this relieve anxiety, but it will also attract luck, love and creative opportunities. There's a reason the most upbeat people often seem to be blessed with good fortune. They understand that optimism opens doors. Adopt their attitude and enjoy all the resulting blessings.

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Your budget is tight, making it difficult to pursue the expansive activities you enjoy. Not being able to travel saddens you. If you're going to take a trip, you'll have to be creative. Volunteer your services to a busy professional who is about to go abroad. Join an educational or cultural group that enjoys discounted travel packages. Apply for jobs that are located overseas. The more flexible you are, the easier it will be to get away. Ironically, visiting faraway lands can increase your income.

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A lack of confidence is undermining your professional progress. At times, it's hard for you to connect with colleagues. You long to be as popular as other members of the company. Instead of yearning to be something you are not, embrace your unique abilities. You're a natural leader. Making order out of chaos is one of your specialities. Although people don't like being told what to do, they do appreciate the sense of calm your organised approach creates. Take pride in these contributions.

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You're reluctant to state the truth, worrying people will resent your blunt assessments. Although the things you want to say are not pleasant, they should be stated. The group is on an unrewarding path. There is still time to change direction. Be willing to speak up. There are bound to be those who will ignore the daring alternatives you propose. Don't let their disapproval stop you. Share this suggestion with the people who will be affected by the current plan. Slowly but surely, your advice will gain traction.

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Don't befriend an influential person just because they can help you. You don't want to be labelled an opportunist. You've always been attracted to quirky people who live on the fringes of society. Establishment types bore you to tears. When you want to advance, use the available channels to success. Getting someone else to pull strings on your behalf will call your contributions into question. Nobody will be able to assess whether you're truly gifted or simply well connected.

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