
In the past, someone came forward to help you out of a difficult situation. Now you're in the position to repay the favour. Lending valuable resources to someone in need is strongly advised. You're being given a cosmic test. By rising to the challenge, you'll pave the way for future economic opportunity. Don't be surprised when you're offered a high powered job or impressive promotion after being generous. This is the Universe's way of showing its approval. Never underestimate karma.

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Don't hesitate to ask for help. If you're short of funds, a friend or relative can cover the shortfall. You're a highly practical person who doesn't like falling short of your goals. Although you've done your due diligence, you still have some outstanding bills. That's not a personal shortcoming. Instead of letting pride get in the way of progress, approach a loved one for a loan. They'll be happy to give you the funds to avoid penalty fees or increased interest.

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You're in a good financial position and are able to share the wealth. Even making a small contribution to charity can pay off handsomely. When you use your income to help others, you become a magnet for money. A friend who is down on their luck will appreciate extra cash. Instead of offering it as a loan, give it as a gift. Abundance will come to you in a variety of different forms. Instead of keeping strict accounts, be grateful for all you receive.

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Word of your talent is spreading. Don't be surprised when several people ask to work with you. This increased stature will lead to a raise, promotion or both. Stop worrying you will fall short of your goals. If you keep your nose to the grindstone, your success will build. You might even be able to launch your own business with the help of a silent partner. Your financial backer will allow you to exercise your talent without worrying about bills.

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You're juggling several important projects at once. Fortunately, you're up to the task. Succeeding in two distinct areas makes you proud. Your employer is especially impressed by your ability to do a great job while maintaining a rewarding personal life. Thanks to your extensive social contacts, you're able to generate lots of business. Your standing in the community supports your world of work. Remember that when you choose between putting in long hours at the office or attending festivities.

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A financial opportunity is on the way. A better job, an impressive promotion or a royalty payment will enrich your bank account. Use your improved circumstances to take a holiday. Visiting a country known for its natural beauty will be uplifting. You might even be inspired to plant a garden or launch a landscaping project after this trip. Indulge your love of plants, flowers and trees. You have a talent for all forms of growth - financial, spiritual and organic.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Travelling for business is in the cards. You will make a terrific success of this trip. Signing a new client will put extra money into your bank account. It could even be possible to put a deposit on a home, car or holiday property. Having something concrete to show for your hard work is important. You have no intention of frittering away your income on fleeting indulgences. Building long lasting security is your primary focus. Resist the temptation to splash out on empty luxuries.

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Good news about a health condition makes you breathe a sigh of relief. A new routine has been paying off handsomely. Not only do you feel better, but you also look radiant. Prepare to be approached with several romantic offers. If you're already in a relationship, you should still be proud of the attention you're getting. There's nothing wrong with being proud of your appearance and taking ownership of your appeal. You're extremely attractive and can have just about any partner you want.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're in a position to pass on financial stability to future generations. This is a great time to make a will, set up a trust fund or start a university fund for a child. Investing in your loved ones is one of the best gifts you can ever give. You may not see the rewards in your lifetime, but that doesn't matter. If you invent a product or launch a business, make arrangements so that it will enrich the lives of your family and community.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The fruits of your labour are ready to be harvested. Use your money to go on a luxurious holiday, fund an ambitious creative project or enrol in university. Any expensive pursuit that speaks to your heart is a worthwhile investment. It isn't healthy to hoard money. Cash is a form of energy. When it's used in a healthy way, it can actually strengthen your foundations. A nature lover like you feels compelled to create a garden, plant some trees or build a conservatory.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A grant, scholarship or prize will be awarded to you. Embrace this windfall with open arms. It's been given in appreciation for your talent. Now your financial situation has improved, you'll be able to devote more time to the activities you love. Inventing a gadget, getting a degree and creating a work of art are among the possibilities. Resist the temptation to take a break. You have to use this stroke of luck as a springboard to bigger and better things.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your progress is impressive, but you can't rest on your laurels. Take this opportunity to edit or perfect an important project. It's very difficult to make changes to an effort that is close to your heart. Try to overcome your feelings of pride for the sake of achieving perfection. A discerning Virgo will offer great advice on turning a good piece of work into a great one. Be open to their suggestions and be willing to experiment with several approaches until you hit upon the right one.

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