
If there's anything you can't stand, it's having to share control with a partner. Instead of being able to buy what you want or go where you wish, you must hold a meeting. There's a good chance your other half won't approve of your proposal. You must either hammer out a compromise or walk away from this proposition. Don't be angry. Instead, focus on the many benefits this alliance brings. You may not be totally free, but you're much more secure. That's a good thing.

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Beware of falling prey to a charismatic charmer. This manipulator will ask you to pay for a purchase or assume some of their responsibilities. They'll assure you they'll reimburse you after a short period. Don't believe them. After making some discreet enquiries, you'll discover your new friend has a long track record of deception. The reason they're being nice is to take advantage of you. If you've been the victim of a crime, file a police report. The only way they'll get caught is by establishing a paper trail.

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Just because you were burned in the past doesn't mean it will happen again. You've grown a lot since the old days. If you're embarking on a relationship, keep your bank accounts separate. You'll sleep much easier when you know your hard-earned cash is protected. Does one of you make much more than the other? Pay your joint bills by percentages. For instance, each of you can pay the same percentage of your respective pay. This will keep your living situation equitable.

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Resist the temptation to blame someone else for your problems. Although you may be a victim of an underhanded schemer, you did bring this upon yourself. Treat this as a learning opportunity. Upgrade your passwords, review your financial statements and don't ever guarantee a loan for anyone, no matter how well you know them. Protecting your interests will save time, money and aggravation. If anyone tries to make you feel guilty for taking security precautions, it's a sign they can't be trusted.

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A terrible bully must be confronted. Instead of turning the other cheek, face this abuser. Draw attention to their behaviour in a public setting. Raise your voice, wave your arms and don't back down. People who devote their lives to making others feel bad usually operate by stealth. Shining a light on their tactics will make them wither like a salted snail. After exposing their terrible behaviour, additional victims will come out of the woodwork. Band together and demand justice.

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It's time to confront some feelings you've been repressing. If you have a crush on someone, confess it. Are you tired of being bullied by a superior? Tell them to stop. Do you want to feel valued by your partner? Explain how you want to be loved. Choose logic over emotion when communicating your needs. When it's obvious you mean business, people will work to meet your demands. You spend so much time being of service to others. Give them a chance to return the favour.

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It's perfectly understandable to feel angry, sad or hurt. Stop pretending someone's behaviour has no impact on you. By owning your emotions, you'll gain control over them. Those who have been trying to get the better of you will cease to matter. Instead of looking to others for validation, you'll look within for happiness. The toxic energy you have been experiencing will be replaced with contentment. The fastest way to make a change for the better is to acknowledge where you are and then move in another direction.

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Judge people based on their actions, not words. Someone who talks a good game has done nothing to earn your trust. They're simply trying to convince you of their worth. If you have an important choice to make, go with the person who is too busy working to tell grandiose stories. This is the individual who can help you achieve your goals. Whenever you encounter a person who brags about their accomplishments, walk away. You'll spend all your time stroking their ego instead of making progress.

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It won't be possible to make everyone happy. Seek to satisfy yourself, knowing your desires will produce good results for most of the people around you. Whether you're looking to raise your income, expand your resources or lead a more meaningful life, it's important to be clear about your intention. Once you are aligned with what you want, pour all your energy into achieving this goal. The abundance you generate will spill over and help others to thrive.

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A situation that once seemed perfect is now showing signs of trouble. Instead of abandoning this goal altogether, simply make some minor adjustments. Lowering your expectations will make it easier to get the benefit of a family relationship. A loving relative wants to help you, but isn't able give you the emotional support you need. If you're going to pursue a career goal, you'll have to be your own cheerleader. That doesn't mean you should turn away practical offers of help, like tuition money or a new car.

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This isn't a good time to reveal your plans to the public. The last thing you want is to have a critic undermine your enthusiasm. You're a visionary who is eager to explore unknown territory. This fills cautious types with anxiety. Just when you're ready to take a risk, they'll try to fill you with doubt. It's better to keep your own counsel, especially where travel plans are concerned. Staying home to accommodate nervous relatives will make you miserable. Obey a desire to expand your horizons.

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Someone will pump you for information. Remain silent as the grave. Maintaining a loved one's confidence will keep your relationship on solid ground. When you feel pressured to impress a newcomer, stop and think. A truly healthy alliance is based on mutual respect. Having to bend over backwards to get a person's approval is a bad sign. The best friendships are based on simple mutual affection, not elaborate gestures. Your loyalty belongs those who have been with you through good times and bad.

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