
Keeping other people happy will require tact and diplomacy; you might wonder whether it's worth the effort. You feel bogged down by the demands of a marriage or partnership and in your heart you know things are going to have to change. The pace in other areas of your life will hot up now and your loved ones need to realise you do have other priorities. What you cannot do is cut corners in your work in order to give more time to a demanding partner.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You will make the best decision regarding a personal matter if you keep feelings out of it. There will be emotional hurdles to overcome and the best way you can do this is to use logic and careful assessment in your decision making. If you don't trust yourself to make the right choices ask someone you love and rely on to help you. They will voice thoughts from an objective perspective and this should give you more confidence about what you have to do.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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There will be a couple of days before you can start work on an important project. Until that time you will be reading the manual and all literature relating to this venture until you know it off by heart! Very soon you will be back in the mainstream and very likely at the helm of this new project you are preparing for. Use any spare time you have wisely, not only to get organised but also to attend to loose ends of the past which could hold you back if they aren't resolved now.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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In this hectic day try to steer clear of any unruly or unconventional groups. You might even find yourself drawn into a situation that initially looks as if it might be for the benefit of others. Only some people have a hidden agenda which is not so altruistic. Any involvement in a new campaign might only disrupt your life in the future and cause you hassle. Family ties could also be a little tense due to a relative challenging your current interests or vice versa.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You're trying to cram as much as possible into the day; unexpected events put you at the forefront of activity. Matters connected with your job or social events keep you on your toes and you might be surprised how easily people seem to fall in with your suggestions. There are a number of channels you need to go through before you get to see results but one thing is for certain: you are going in the right direction.

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Some things you want to sort out on your own but don't spurn those who care. If you're going through a difficult time and people want to help, let them know you appreciate their concern. Some emotions, conflicting feelings or confused thoughts can only be dealt with by spending some quiet time on your own. But so friends and family don't feel they're being pushed away, keep the door open for visitors tonight.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Thinking negatively about yourself will only attract negative attention your way. You need to send out positive vibrations to draw upbeat and cheerful people into your orbit. These are the types you need to mix with now as you will gain tremendously through lifting yourself out of the doldrums. Even if you only feel slightly pessimistic it will make all the difference to the day to be with others who are in better spirits.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Someone is trying to influence your decision making. If something is important to you, you must find the confidence to make up your own mind. In a situation you are new to, it might seem appropriate to leave it to those who are more experienced to make suggestions and even decisions on your behalf but this is not entirely true. If you sense some ideas aren't right for you or you would like to do things another way, now is the time to say.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Others aren't being purposely tiresome even if it seems as if they can't see the wood for the trees. Questions asked are genuine and aren't designed to annoy you even if it looks as if they are! No matter how ignorant someone might sound, try to answer patiently. Think of how to put complex notions into layman's terms and let the natural instructor in you emerge. You never know, you could be asked to be a trainer in some capacity due to what transpires today.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Something's bothering you and the more you think about it, the worse it seems to get. Talking it over won't help either because this just amplifies the situation or worries in your head. What you really ought to do is seek professional advice. Go to someone in the know and they are likely to give you all the information you need to make an informed choice. This also means you are doing something about the dilemma other than chewing your nails with worry!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If an opportunity is taken away from you it doesn't mean you have to give up altogether. It is entirely possible plans made with friends could fall apart due to a mix up in arrangements. As much as you love to be out having fun, today you might enjoy spending quality time just hanging out with someone you love. In fact as the day draws to a close you will look back on it all and acknowledge you wouldn't have wanted it any other way!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Family held secrets are about to be revealed. There is no doubt some of your older relatives will be shocked by what they hear. Your dilemma will be: do you keep what you discover to yourself or do others have a right to hear what has been going on? Any connection with foreign matters will come to the fore at the end of the day. A letter with content of an unusual nature will either be received or this is something you have to write.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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