
Why ponder on what you said, what you didn't say, what you did or didn't do over recent days? Asking friends for their opinion is another way to keep you deliberating over a past interview, test or ordeal. Tell yourself you did fine and think about what you might do to reward yourself for having been through it all. Take a loved one out for lunch, visit old friends, get away from familiar places. If you're waiting for the outcome of a situation, put it out of your mind today.

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If a friend turns down an invitation you'd expected them to jump at, don't take it personally. It is entirely possible they'd already made other plans or they just need some time on their own. You would be better off not trying to force them into an arrangement they've already determined won't work for them. Your choice today is to work out what's more important to you: do you wait until they're ready or do you make the most of a great opportunity without them?

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Attempting to help someone can lead to failure or success but it won't lead anywhere if you don't try. For this reason don't give in to a temptation to hold back and don't make a bad situation worse than it already is because you're willing to help will mean a lot to those who feel at their wits end due to this current dilemma. Reaching out to help others who are in need will be one of the best things you can do.

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It might seem as if it is too much for you to have to deal with a strong minded and strong willed person. What makes you stand out from the rest is that a group of people are flocking together, hiding behind each other and refusing to speak out independently. Your unique, sensitive qualities will be very apparent in your dialogue and communications and the crazy thing is, your confidence will grow when you realise the impact you are making!

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A compromise will only be a temporary solution to a current problem; eventually you need to find a way to resolve it. Enlisting the help of neighbours when you need someone to look after a pet, the children or an elderly relative may work today but this isn't going to be something you can rely on all the time. Sometimes it's better to face up to the issue and sort it out. This may prove as simple as offering to pay a friend, as you would pay a professional, for helping you out in the future.

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You should be wary about committing yourself to anyone or anything before you have had the chance to think things through thoroughly. The consequences of a hasty decision could come back to haunt you. A friend or relative has some sound advice to offer, but you may not be ready to hear it. Be patient with them and yourself for this is a time for consolidation and gradual growth rather than risky ventures especially if cash or relationships are involved.

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Expect someone to hit back if you're about to tell them a relationship is over. You may feel certain you aren't meant for each other even if they don't yet realise this. Release this person and yourself simultaneously from the psychological stranglehold this relationship has been having on you both. Suddenly your life will feel so much lighter. It's never easy but if you can bring yourself to take the final step you will be doing both of you a big favour.

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Don't blame yourself for a recent mistake if you didn't have all the information available to make good decisions. You may have taken a risk knowing the possible outcomes and have been left with the consequences you were dreading. Mistakes do happen but it doesn't make you a failure. Stay calm and see if there is a way to rectify the matter or take a few steps back and start over. The good news is: Plans you are making with friends are soon to come to fruition.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You've always been demonstrative both privately and publicly; someone doesn't seem to like displays of open affection. What you shouldn't do is question your actions or behaviour. Instead, consider this person as not being as friendly or as effusive. By all means curb your expressive side when you're with them out of respect for them. Just don't ever try to change to please someone who can't accept you for who you are.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You better than anyone else know the position you are in and you will make the best decisions. Whether you act on logical choices or your intuition, in situations where your future is involved, no-one has a right to disapprove. It could be a joint arrangement isn't working and you should be able to judge whether the problem is because of a conflict in attitudes or personalities. Trust in your judgement and don't feel badly or uncomfortable about what you feel you have to do.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There is something you're trying to get over and you're best doing this in solitude. Whatever needs, emotional or physical healing you will come to better terms with yourself, by spending some quiet time, alone. Currently, the company of others might only compound a hurt, injury or tragedy. In isolation, you can reflect, gain insights and even bring a sense of harmony to the healing process.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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The way you relate to people plays a substantial part in the success or otherwise of a group endeavour. That and, of course, the way others interact with you. If someone is being close minded or mean spirited, the best you can do is disconnect from them rather than become combative. You could be learning a lot about yourself and your capacity for patience and understanding from becoming more aware of your social exchanges.

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