
Tangling with authority figures is not a good idea right now. The boss is in a foul mood and is just waiting to vent their rage onto some hapless victim. Unfortunately, your personal life is showing signs of strain. Single Rams have difficulty finding love, while attached Arians are experiencing trouble with their partners. Release tension at the gym or on the playing field. Even a brisk walk can clear your head and help you avoid angry arguments.

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The scales have finally fallen from your eyes, prompting you to look at the ugly truth of a situation. Compromise simply isn't possible when you're dealing with a zealot. Your best bet is to cut ties now, before you lose anything else. If you're out of a job, take heart. Friends and family are squarely behind you, and will do whatever is necessary to help you through this difficult time. Don't be prideful and refuse help from a generous relative.

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You're having a rebirth of sorts. Breaking a bad habit leaves you with lots of free time on your hands. You might as well fill it in a productive way. Taking a class will stimulate your intellect, as well as your creative side. The performing arts have a strong allure. Try your hands at acting, singing or playing music. Learning to express yourself in front of an audience will serve you well in other areas of life.

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Fear of letting down your defences with a loved one is hampering your relationship. At some point, you need to take a risk. Why drag your feet? Wear your heart on your sleeve. You'll be astonished at the enthusiastic response. If you're single, you need to stop pursuing some fairy tale ideal. Don't let your family comment on your love life. Trying to impress your relatives with your choice of lovers will only lead to misery. Work to satisfy yourself.

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You're afraid of telling a colleague the unvarnished truth, with good reason. This woman is notoriously hypersensitive, and tends to panic at the mildest criticism. Unfortunately, you really need to nip this problem in the bud, before it starts affecting your work. Lay the groundwork by complimenting your fellow worker's strengths, and then explaining your concern in the gentlest way possible. A blow up will probably ensue, but at least you'll be on record as having tried to correct the problem.

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Feelings of jealousy are poisoning your outlook. It looks like you could use a healthy dose of self esteem. Instead of looking to others for approval, throw yourself into an activity that gives you confidence. Cooking, gardening, writing you're good at so many things. Give yourself permission to play around with your favourite creative medium. Money can be tight, so avoid expensive shops and pricey restaurants. Why put yourself in the path of temptation? You can have just as much fun pampering yourself at home.

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Committing emotional blackmail won't win a relative's loyalty. In fact, it will push him or her farther away. Although you're dreadfully frightened your family member will leave you, it's important to give them their space. Problems with a roommate could leave you in a precarious living situation. You may be forced to find a new place or cover a much bigger portion of the rent. Spread the word among friends that you are looking to share household expenses with somebody.

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You're horribly overscheduled, and it's beginning to take a toll on your health. Trust a close friend, colleague or romantic partner to take some of these burdens from your shoulders. True, you'll have to leave some printed instructions on carrying out certain duties, but the sooner you break the bonds of dependency, the better. Deep down inside, you're afraid of what will happen if your friend becomes too self sufficient. Don't; he or she can't do without you!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Feelings of worthlessness are undermining your love life. Until you gain a more realistic view of yourself, you'll fail to attract a worthy partner. If you're already in a relationship, stop telling yourself you don't deserve your beloved's affection. Hold your head high, and don't be afraid to assert your needs. You can't expect your other half to read your mind. Be your own advocate! You may not realise it, but being more confident will increase your desirability.

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Self destructive behaviour is causing problems for you in the workplace. You need to get control of yourself, lest a golden career opportunity slips through your fingers. Getting counselling or going to rehab won't make people think anything less of you. In fact, they'll admire your resolve. If you've been experiencing a creative block, it is because you are giving too much credence to your inner critic. Give yourself permission to play, and then worry about revisions later.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If you're going to solve a problem, you need to bring it into the light. Secrets only fester in the dark. If you're put in an unfamiliar situation, be sure to admit your ignorance. Pretending to know what you're doing will only make you look foolish. A snobbish expert will take you to task, but other people will sympathise. Turn to a lover for kindness and understanding. A few minutes in your other half's arms will be tremendously therapeutic, and pretty exciting, too!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're getting lots of peer pressure to accept an arduous job, but you simply can't bring yourself to do it. As far as you're concerned, you spend so much time at the office that you might as well hold a pleasant job. Taking a gruelling position for money or status isn't worth it. If you live with somebody who makes a lot more money, consider contributing the same percentage of your income to household expenses, instead of splitting the cost down the middle.

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