
Your powers of analysis will be greatly strengthened between now and mid-November. Use this period to enact changes to your lifestyle. If you're not happy with a current arrangement, you'll be able to make satisfying adjustments. Attitudes toward serious subjects like life, death, and sex are bound to improve, too. This will help you make decisions out of faith, not fear. That's the ultimate liberation.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Social contacts over the next three weeks will give you the mental stimulation you crave. A person with an intense way of talking will be especially attractive. You've always admired those who have a passion for life. Join forces with this character if you'd like to launch a business or start a creative project. Having a partner will encourage you to take risks that you'd otherwise avoid. Plunge into the unknown.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Finding the best way to use your creative resources becomes paramount. You're tired of having your talents go to waste. Fortunately, you've got plenty of bright ideas, and people are receptive to them. It's an especially good idea to use your gifts to help others in the beginning. This will pave the way for future victories. It's always easier to accomplish goals when you've built up a loyal following.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You know just what to say to get others to do your bidding right now. Your methods are especially effective with romantic interests and children. Don't feel guilty about these manipulations. There have been times when people have taken advantage of your soft heart. Talking somebody into engaging in your favourite activities should be a snap. This is also a wonderful opportunity to delegate personal responsibilities to others. Grab all the amusement you can.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Thinking for yourself will help destroy inherited attitudes that once paralysed you. Although your elders may have meant well, they did instil habits that don't reflect your personal values. Building your own code of ethics will give you a greater sense of self-worth. Certain prejudices will give way to a more open-minded attitude that puts you in contact with an interesting variety of people. Free your mind, and your spirit will follow.

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Your communication skills are excellent, and help you get around several difficult people. Don't be discouraged if somebody turns down a request for help. A little persistence will get you all you want and more. The next three weeks are ideal for short trips to surrounding areas. As someone with an active mind, you can only benefit from frequent changes of scenery. Call up an old friend and propose a weekend visit.

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Money plays greatly on your mind between now and mid-November. There's never been a better time to find additional sources of income. Start a side business that draws on your artistic or diplomatic talents. Pretty soon, you could make so much cash that you'll be able to devote all of your time and attention to this endeavour. You have to admit, there's something appealing about being your own boss.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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People are impressed by your ability to size people up and assess their strengths and weaknesses. You may see loved ones in a whole new light over the next few weeks. Suddenly, those who seemed utterly perfect and wonderful will begin to show character defects, while others who tried your nerves could be suddenly helpful. Take this as a lesson that snap judgments aren't fair to anyone. Human beings are a lot more complex than they appear.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You've got a rich imagination, and are eager to put it to good use. Set aside at least a half hour each day to devote to your favourite creative activity. The more time you'll spend on this hobby, the happier you will be. Situations that once seemed oppressive will become tolerable, and everyone will notice that you've got an extra spring in your step. Don't feel compelled to share your work with others until you are ready.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Achieving personal goals will be the first order of business between now and mid-November. You're no longer interested in fulfilling everybody else's agenda. You want your work to go toward your own advancement. Some may accuse you of being selfish, but don't pay any attention. There's nothing wrong with acting in your own interests, provided you're not hurting anybody else. Keep a list of three wishes in clear view.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're giving a lot of thought toward professional and business affairs now. It's important for a talented person like you to fulfil your potential. That means finding a position that allows you to be creative and independent. One way to do this is to acquire skills that are valued and rare. Nobody will dare interfere with your methods if your knowledge is beyond the grasp of your superiors. Fortunately, you're very quick to learn.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You've always been interested in subjects like philosophy, religion, and ethics. The next three weeks afford you an opportunity to explore these topics in great detail. Take a trip to the library or do some surfing on the Internet if you come across an idea that piques your curiosity. You could find some information that gives you a deeper appreciation for life. Open your mind to new and unusual ideas.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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