
A friend's irresponsible behaviour is really bothering you, perhaps because it is causing shame. Maybe you made similar mistakes that you are still paying for. It's even possible that your pal is squandering resources you wish you had. Whatever the reason for your embarrassment, let it be a catalyst for a program of self-improvement. Open a savings account, ask for a raise, or find a better paying job.

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An authority figure's impractical plans are driving you to distraction. You know from experience that ideas like these are unworkable. Rather than beating your head against the wall, let this person fall on their face. If they try to blame their failure on you, make a public statement to the contrary. The less emotional you are, the more credible your statements will be. Refuse to be pulled into this hysterical vortex.

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A know-it-all is really getting under your skin, but you're afraid to express your irritation. If this person holds any power over you, it's probably best to remain silent. Take this as a lesson of how not to behave when you acquire a similar level of knowledge. It's all too easy to lord your superiority over others when you attain an exalted status. Thankfully, you're too open and friendly to fall easily into this trap.

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Disagreements over joint finances or sex could poison a good relationship if you're not careful. You need to couch your complaints in the gentlest way possible, or your partner will be hurt and defensive. The fact is, you've each brought different expectations to this union. You'll have to work hard to find a compromise so you'll have to recognise and correct your own faults. Don't put all the blame on your mate.

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Your attitude about work could be hurting your romantic prospects. While your ambition is very impressive, it's not enough to sustain a lover's interest. You have to be something other than your job description. Taking up a hobby can give you a well-rounded existence that is very attractive. The less this pastime is related to your work, the better. You have to admit, you've had a one-track mind for quite a while.

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You're not interested in getting things done fast; you want them done right. Unfortunately, not everyone shares your high standards. This may be one of those times when you'll have to swallow your pride and go along with the crowd. You have to remember that maintaining good relationships with your colleagues is just as important as producing quality work. Err on the side of harmony today, no matter how much it pains you.

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You long to pour your resources into a venture that will generate future gains, but this may be difficult. A mate may have different priorities, or an institution isn't allowing you to do what you want with these funds. Whatever the obstacles before you, it's important to know other options do exist. Schedule a consultation with a financial advisor in order to find a solution to your problem.

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Angry feelings and past resentments prevent you from thinking clearly about a relationship. You may be attributing motives to a partner that really belong to a relative or teacher. Take a few steps back and assess the situation objectively. The fact is, your beloved is probably trying to help you heal old wounds. Let go of your fear and allow yourself to explore the richness of a healthy relationship.

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Difficulties in business communication can be extremely frustrating. It feels as though your colleagues are wilfully misunderstanding you now. Rather than going over the same old ground again, proceed as if there isn't a problem. That way, when troubles arise, you can back up your arguments with concrete examples. Stop assuming responsibility for all of these potential disasters. It's only taking away from your enjoyment of life.

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It may feel like your spending has gone out of control, but take it easy. You're not the type who spends money freely, believing it's better to hoard your resources in case of a catastrophe. Unfortunately, this attitude has caused you to ignore your desire for creature comforts. Pampering yourself with expensive luxuries is not a crime. Just make sure the things you purchase really speak to your heart and give you pleasure.

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Your aggressive attitude could strike fear into a relative's heart. Are you directing anger at this person because you can't approach its true cause? Stop the abuse now, before you cause irreparable damage to a good relationship. You wouldn't like it if somebody else treated you this way. If you are being abused yourself, you need to either confront the source or alert someone who can help you.

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You may sense some hostile undertones in an associate's words to you. Instead of wondering about their meaning, confront this person about your suspicions. Explain that their attitude makes you uneasy, and give specific reasons why. The more direct you are, the harder it will be to evade your accusations. You can't continue pretending that this behaviour isn't affecting you. Get this matter out in the open as quickly as possible.

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