
Even if you don't normally pride yourself in being intuitive, try to tune into your instincts. Your sixth sense could warn you not to be hasty in committing yourself to a new or unusual project or partnership. Powerful outside forces sweep you along on a wave of enthusiasm that can be misleading. You need to stay in control of your emotions. Actions taken today could have dramatic consequences; take care.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Check appliances and take a look around the house before going out; there may a problem with plumbing or wiring. Given the stress or conflict you have to cope with today especially with a member of the family, it won't be surprising if you're feeling edgy. You might be fed up with the way a male friend or associate is always saying 'I told you so!' You wish people would be more cooperative.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You are more adventurous in your thoughts and open to new ideas regarding almost everything. In your long term goals you know exactly what you want and how best to go about achieving this. You are sensitive to everything that goes on around you. Even so with Neptune in the frame you could be seeing only what you want to see. Stay practical so no one will stand a chance of pulling the wool over your eyes.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Time and energy are precious commodities; don't waste any of either by frittering them away on useless pastimes. Refuse to fret if you are unhappy about a shared financial responsibility. Instead do something positive about it. You might mistakenly feel your partner won't understand or acknowledge your point of view. Ignore such negative thoughts and speak your mind. You could be surprised.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You may have to come to the help of the under dog or go to the aid of someone in need and you won't hesitate to do this. Let that wonderfully caring and generous side of your nature rears its head. Whether someone needs practical assistance or just a shoulder to lean on you will be there for them. Stand on ceremony and you will regret it. Persuade two friends who have fallen out to make up their quarrel.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Whatever you are trying to do today, you could find your attention wandering. If working on a study assignment or difficult work project, it won't be easy to keep your mind on the job. A person or situation is in your thoughts; you are holding on to this and you don't want to let go or give it up yet. Deep down inside you accept something is over. You need to free yourself and someone else from a situation that isn't working.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Sometimes you can be too kind and this drives other people away. A friend or relative might not seem to be their normal cheerful self and this concerns you. The more you push them to admit something is wrong, the more adamant they are everything's okay. It won't be wise to pester them. If anyone has anything important to discuss, they will tell you about it in their own time and of their own accord.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You passionately believe in a cause, protest or demo taking place today; it will get your full support. Someone you've always respected seems like a different person in a contentious situation. You might start to question your involvement with them. Perhaps you thought others who shared your views also shared your principles. This might not be so. You might decide to go your own way and rightly so.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If you are travelling today you will probably wish you had stayed at home! Someone with road rage or a fellow traveller's angry outburst at a ticket desk could delay your own journey. Any flare ups will swiftly dissolve if you stay calm and encourage others to quieten down too. You're tempted to offer to pay for someone else's mistakes: don't! Or you could get the blame for something you didn't do.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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An investment or money deal sounds too good to be true but you don't want to miss out through being too cautious. It's not a good day for making decisions because you are torn between the desire to take a risk and the feeling you could be making a big mistake. If possible, delay matters until you're more certain of the best way to jump. It is definitely a time to use your Capricorn caution.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Be careful about who you trust, confide in and rely on today. If the wrong person gets to know of your plans they could throw problems your way. A romantic or business rival will not be averse to using devious means in order to succeed in their aims. You might find someone's attitude or outlook disconcerting. On no account take foolish risks.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You don't have to keep your nose to the grindstone the whole day long. You are almost fanatical about making a perfect job of what you are doing. There's a slight danger of becoming so obsessed you can't see the woods for the trees! Because of the impossibly high standards you're setting for yourself you could miss out on having fun with friends.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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