
Dealing with the public will be stressful. If it's possible, stay hidden in a private corner. You'll be much more productive working alone. When forced to deal with impossible people, breathe deep. Stay detached. Don't give in to your anger. Staying calm in the face of pressure will win the approval of fellow workers. You will be given a bonus, promotion or both. Developing strategies for dealing with rude individuals will be one of the most valuable weapons you have in your bag of tricks.

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Prolonged exposure to stress will take a toll on your health. It's time to break off a controlling relationship or leave a toxic situation. Your first loyalty is to yourself. Don't remain with a romantic partner or stay in a job that is making you sick. Start making a plan to move to higher ground. This could be anything from finding your own place to live, to launching a job search, to getting an advanced degree. Do whatever it takes to build a life that makes you thrive.

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You're having a wonderful time. Unfortunately, work is beckoning. It's tempting to call in sick and keep the party going. Doing this will backfire. You're better off tearing yourself away from the festivities and doing your duty. Failing to deliver important materials in a timely fashion will seriously undermine your reputation. It will also affect your popularity at work. Colleagues shouldn't be expected to cover for you when you're perfectly well. Give them the respect they've always shown to you.

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Family quarrels make life difficult. You're tired of having a critical relative attack your romantic partner or best friend. Instead of staying out of the fray, stand up for your loved one. The idea that blood is thicker than water is nonsense. You're an adult who has a right to pick your friends. Don't worry if your kin doesn't agree with your choices. It may be necessary to cut ties with someone who thinks they can interfere in your personal life. The sooner you build some healthy boundaries, the better.

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Don't get drawn into a gossip ridden conversation. There is a lot of work to do and you need every spare moment to complete every item on your list. A colleague who likes to create drama is spreading malicious stories. Instead of buying into this questionable narrative, tell this pest to stop poisoning the atmosphere. You're not interested in discussing the sordid details of other people's lives; you want to get ahead. For that to happen, you must be focused on your goals.

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Financial difficulties will continue unless you put yourself on a budget. You're a service oriented person. This makes you prone to go above and beyond the call of duty. Instead of giving away your labour for a song, start charging market rates. This may seem selfish at first, but it's perfectly reasonable. You can always donate a set amount of time and resources to your favourite charity each month. When it comes to working, aim to get paid what you are worth. It's more than you think.

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Don't get upset when someone criticises you. It's never easy to get negative feedback. The only way you will improve is to listen to what is being said about your performance. There will be times when you will encounter a petty person whose sole mission is to destroy your confidence. See their insulting remarks for what they are. Let them roll off your back. When someone says you could be doing better with a particular task, listen carefully. Create a strategy for change.

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A loved one who is in hospital or can't fend for themselves needs your help. Although it's terribly inconvenient, you should rearrange your schedule to help. It doesn't matter whether you're bringing them dinner or walking their dog or picking up their mail. The important thing is to relieve them of burdens. It's difficult for anyone to be in this situation. Any small gesture you can make on their behalf will speed their recovery. Postpone an outing for later in the week.

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Stop letting a friend dump their problems on you. Just because you empathise with their situation does not mean you should assume their challenges. Part of the problem is your loved one is their own worst enemy. By continually making bad choices, they've made a difficult situation much worse. Nothing you have said or done has prompted them to change. Deep down inside, they're happier with the status quo. Making a change would require temporary discomfort.

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Unfavourable publicity has put you on the defensive. Before answering any accusations that have been lobbied at you, take a few minutes to review the situation. Be honest with yourself. Whatever mistakes you made were minor, but they did contribute to a terrible situation. Take ownership of these errors and offer a sincere apology. Faith in you will be restored after you back up your words with actions. Do everything possible to establish better habits and improve your approach.

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Just because you were raised a certain way does not mean everyone else should embrace these beliefs. Variety is the spice of life. It is possible to work with people from all different walks of life. The key to making such an environment work is respect. Rather than taking people to task for carrying out cultural and religious traditions, practice acceptance. Give others the courtesy you desire. Slowly but surely, the ice will melt and friendships will be formed.

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Adjusting to a big change has been difficult. You often catch yourself yearning for the good old days. Being stuck in the past will cause you to miss some golden opportunities. Get into the habit of making a gratitude list each day. By focusing on the present, you'll slowly start to gain an appreciation for the blessings you often overlook. Nothing attracts luck like cultivating an attitude of gratitude. If you play your cards right, you can build a life that surpasses your wildest dreams.

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