
Just because you have strong beliefs does not mean you should discuss them in mixed company. Talking about religion or politics with casual acquaintances will make people feel awkward. It's better to stick to innocent subjects that allow for free and easy conversation. Dwelling on the past is a waste of valuable energy. Put painful memories behind and take control of your life. Whether this means changing religions, moving abroad or writing a book, ignore your fears and go for it.

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Beware of racking up a lot of bills. If you feel scared or vulnerable, take up a creative project. Bake a cake. Plan a garden. Build some furniture. Working with your hands will fill an emotional void much faster than a shopping spree. You will be dismayed to learn about a friend's betrayal. Someone you trusted became wildly jealous of you. This caused them to say unkind things. Don't take these remarks to heart. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and move on to greener pastures.

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A close relationship is experiencing a rocky patch. You're tired of filling a friend or romantic partner's need for attention. A desire for independence may prompt you to take a holiday by yourself. A temporary separation can restore your mutual affection. Let reliability be your watchword at work. If you no longer feel passionate about your job, find a new one. Going through the motions won't work. You should be fully invested in your career. Seek a position in the arts or with a charitable or humanitarian organisation.

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Worrying can have a negative effect on your health. Rather than thinking about what can go wrong, cultivate a positive outlook. If you're in pain, imagine yourself sending healing light to the affected area. Picture yourself getting steadily better each day. Be ready to have your assumption challenged. After seeing beautiful aspects of a person's character, you'll be slow to judge others in their situation. Get into the habit of practicing acceptance instead of judgment. This will trigger some spiritual breakthroughs.

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This isn't a good time to take a creative risk. Focus instead on developing your skills, whether it's painting, writing or playing music. The more you practice, the better you will get. Once you are confident in your abilities, you can experiment with new techniques. Confusion over finances should be addressed as soon as possible. Whether you discover a mistaken charge on your credit card bill or learn about an unpaid debt, resolve the problem as quickly as possible.

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Home life is a source of stress. If you live near a loud construction project, think about staying with a friend who lives in a quieter neighbourhood. Escaping to peaceful surroundings will allow you to carry out responsibilities with ease. Someone you trusted has mislead you. Let this be a lesson about revealing too much personal information to a relative stranger. Not everyone has your best interests at heart. Let relationships develop slowly. It's especially important to be cautious with a new acquaintance.

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Beware of getting drawn into an argument on social media. Everything that appears on the Internet can come back to haunt you, even after it has been deleted. If someone insults you or says something offensive, log off for a full day before responding. Finding a good job could be difficult. Be open to accepting a temporary job to pay the bills. You may discover some hidden talents while carrying out a short assignment. If you're happy at work, make an extra effort to meet a tight deadline.

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A financial loss is no reason for panic. You're an extremely resourceful person who knows how to get the best value for your money. If you have to find a new job, take your time. Explore opportunities that will allow you to travel extensively. If you're in a romantic relationship, beware of hurting your partner with casual flirtations. It's better to show your devotion for your amour with gifts, compliments and acts of service. Are you single? Embrace your freedom instead of resenting it.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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When you feel misunderstood, it helps to project your energy outward. Performing acts of service for vulnerable members of the community will restore your equilibrium. Whether you serve meals to the homeless or clean cages at an animal shelter does not matter. Finding a healthy outlet for your emotions will help you turn a challenge into victory. You're a kind-hearted person who has the power to make the world a better place. Always remember this when emotion threatens to overwhelm you.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Resist the temptation to isolate yourself when you experience disappointment. Friends and family will give you the reassurance you need to pull yourself together. Everyone has setbacks in life. The test of true character is your ability to cope with disappointments with style and grace. Mastering a subject will be more challenging than expected. Be patient and give yourself enough time to read and review. Have a friend quiz you. Form a study group. You'll have to go the extra mile to absorb this information.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Friends disagree with your priorities, but that shouldn't keep you from pursuing these goals. You've always been a visionary. Leading an ordinary life doesn't have much appeal for you. You'd much rather chase rainbows and fulfil ideals. Keep up the good work. Be realistic about your career prospects. If you want to make more money, you must upgrade your skills. Study to pass a course or get a degree. Having expert knowledge will make you a hot commodity on the job market.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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People have misinterpreted a kind gesture, which is disappointing. Instead of being defensive, remain quiet. Continue to do your best. Eventually, your true motives will become obvious. Actions always speak louder than words and you have a long history of good works. It's important to be reliable in your personal life. When you make promises to friends and family, follow through on them. Don't let your moods affect your schedule. Learning to soldier through sadness is the best way to cultivate loving bonds.

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