
Even if you are giving a lot for something that means much to you, no matter what the sacrifice, you really can't lose. You won't achieve everything you're hoping for but this is not because of a lack of trying. The gain is both through the effort and determination you are putting into your aims. Hopefully too, through the outcome you are looking for. Rewards aren't immediate but you will see results.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Learning to slow down so you can savour the small things in life will make a difference these next few weeks. If you can enjoy the warmth of the sunshine on your face, the smell of the rain, the wind in your hair you will always be glad of something. Also think about what you could do to make a difference for others. Taking the chance to serve people will help you forget your own problems and lead to greater fulfilment.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You might not see eye to eye with someone about a money concern; in fact you're starting to wonder about this relationship. You would rather friendship was based on shared beliefs, musical tastes, artistic interests or sense of humour and not on status, wealth or power. How you treat others, their attitude towards you and shared goals all come into it too. These are many of the things you will be thinking about when it comes to your relationships now.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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You start seeing yourself objectively after breaking out of your usual routine and taking a step back. Time spent away from familiar places and faces will also help you view your life from a new perspective. You might see how negative thoughts have disturbed your peace of mind. Working diligently to change negative patterns into something more positive and hopeful will help enhance your life.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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In the wee small hours you might find yourself questioning your aims, goals and motives. You feel hindered in your dealings by activities going on behind the scenes over which you have no control. Keep on trying until you achieve what you are hoping for. If you run out of energy, pause, review the situation, learn new things and start all over again. It's not a good day to rush anyone.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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A group project might be put on the back burner and you're disappointed with how little has been accomplished. These next few weeks you might seriously consider your connections with certain groups and associations and whether these really figure in your future plans. You would like to see an unfinished project completed but without the support from others involved, it is unlikely to get much further in the foreseeable future.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Don't give up on a professional dream: try, try and try again until you do succeed. Especially if your aim at this time is to make a success of your life keep plugging at it. You might need to curb your impatience and also to show respect to those who are slow but sure in their ways. Progress is unhurried but you will make some progress in pushing a few stumbling blocks out of the way.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Are you the driver in your life or is there someone behind you pushing you all the way? Do you feel you're being forced to go in the wrong direction just to make other people happy? It's time to take the wheel and to manoeuvre your life back onto the right road for you. In doing so, you need to be armed with the safety rules and regulations so as not to go against your own values or make violations during the course of the way!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You need to be in control and pro-active as opposed to being inactive. New responsibilities will keep you in the background. With the right attitude you will accomplish a lot from behind the scenes. What you perceive, you can achieve but only with the determination to overcome the difficulties you come across now. Don't hold a grudge over a recent disappointment.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Muddles and misunderstandings occur in joint concerns; you need to retrace your steps and alter agreements. Deals are postponed due to illness or personal issues other people cannot disregard. Whether it is a physical or mental ailment or an addiction to alcohol or drugs, be ready to give your moral support. You're also wrestling with some inner concerns of your own but these may seem small compared with another person's problems.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You won't want to admit how familiar assumptions offer reassurance and comforting expectations. It's hard to let these go if it leaves you struggling through fog towards an uncertain destination. Will progress be forwards or backwards? If you don't know where you're going, how can you say? The whole prospect is alarming and the only answer is to try and relax and enjoy the journey.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You have good insight into what is motivating other people and this helps you inspire them into action. Despite the problems encountered today, you seem to have the extra drive and determination that almost guarantees success. As well as this, your imagination knows no bounds. Whatever you do, your thoughts and actions seem inspired and your positive spirit helps to encourage those who are less cheerful.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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