
Ab-fab day for relationships, meeting people and just getting along with everyone you meet. Famous for your quick temper, folks are sometimes timid about giving you bad news. Maybe that's why you'll hear something disturbing on a second-hand basis. Don't shoot the messenger. Instead, take this as a sign that you need to be more receptive. Nobody likes to live with a volcano and today is ideal for forging a new partnership with others.

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Tummy aches or lady pains (how polite can you get) could cause hassle for you one way or another. Be compassionate and take care of yourself or whoever is suffering - they can't help it. Some sympathy maestro please! A job that calls upon your creative talent is good for you. Before you get too excited remember to sell yourself. Put together a portfolio of your work or business plan you can display to a potential employer or backer.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Super duper day for enjoying yourself in pursuits, recreation and activities you adore. Spending some time with someone who is close to your heart feels very rewarding. Children and pets strum a particular a chord in your heart and it's all very nice. If you're looking for love then all you have to do is get out, haunt some fun places and before you know you'll have someone on your arm.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Anything connected to do with property, home or family should be dealt with today. Rely on your intuition when it comes to paying off a sizeable debt. The unlikeliest opportunity could turn into a virtual gold mine. Fortunately, you've always had a marvellous sense of the absurd. So what if folks snigger at your newest job? You'll be the one who laughs all the way to the bank.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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An invitation is on its way and so long as you don't have to travel far grasp it with both mitts. The best way to get creative inspiration is to surround yourself with beauty. Take a nature walk, visit a gallery or museum, or listen to some moving music. Your problem is that you're always on the go. Take some moments to appreciate your favourite artistic mediums. You won't be sorry you prised yourself away from the mundane.

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Moody and emotional don't meet anyone or go anywhere that brings out your feelings, you can't cope. Save yourself valuable time by writing out a detailed "to do" list to give you focus. Annoying distractions like phone calls, unexpected visitors, and last minute disasters could threaten to derail your progress. However, if you can keep away from hassle, you can accomplish a huge amount.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Spiritually you are a spent force and must find something to do that is good for the inner you. Many times you wonder if you're too giving; it seems like you get so little in return. However, all your fears will be alleviated when the milk of human kindness is given to you. This never would have happened if you hadn't been so thoughtful. Good deeds are rewarded, so don't stop performing them.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A female friend is about to be lost or made whatever you are left with is good for you. It's practically impossible for you to mask your resentments as they always manage to slip out in some inconvenient way. Do yourself a favour and confront the source of your frustration. Whiz bangs of emotional fireworks will ensue, but they will be healthy ones. Bottling up your feelings has taken a serious toll on your well being.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're far too highly strung and take offence where none's intended so being so touchy. You're always up for adventure, and today gives you a great chance to explore new vistas. Let a fun loving friend take you to their favourite hangout. This place could become one of your own regular haunts. It pays to let others take the lead sometimes. Sit back and enjoy the ride!

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Getting yourself a holiday bargain is easily done today so choose a place then book it quick. An enjoyable shopping trip helps to lift your morale. This can be your favourite time of year, but some past regrets are weighing on your heart. Know that you couldn't have become the wonderful person you are without making a few mistakes. Buy yourself a special gift to celebrate your growth. Retail therapy does work you know.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Sexy doesn't describe you well enough but passionate and desirable does, so what are you waiting for? As corny as it sounds, you can change your world through the power of positive thinking. This is especially true of educational opportunities. If you can't afford a certain class, apply for aid. Fill out applications at as many institutions as possible. An even better option could present itself in the matter of days.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Tender compassion can work wonders in a love affair if you haven't got one, then try it out today. A strange dream could leave you totally bewildered and embarrassed. Perhaps you should discuss the delicate details with a trusted friend. Remember that your subconscious operates on a very different level than your waking self. Think in terms of symbolism, not literal meaning - have a quick flick through my best-selling Dream Dictionary.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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